equal opportunities in Germany

equal opportunities [iːkwəlɔpətjuːnitiz] Chancengleichheit

Sentence patterns related to "equal opportunities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "equal opportunities" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "equal opportunities", or refer to the context using the word "equal opportunities" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Ideally, everyone would be given equal opportunities.

2. Ideally, everyone would is given equal opportunities.

3. That is the bottom line – equal opportunities and solidarity.

4. The advert said 'We are an equal opportunities employer'.

5. Society should redouble its efforts to give everyone equal opportunities.



7. 26 How about an equal opportunities policy for the franchise?

8. The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.

9. He also dealt with the issues of multicultural education and equal opportunities.

10. We have worked single-mindedly to create equal opportunities for girls and boys.

Wir haben bewusst dafür gearbeitet, gleiche Bedingungen für Jungen und Mädchen zu schaffen.

11. 19 The idea of equal opportunities was strongly promoted by many Labour MPs.

12. 24 People of all social standings should be given equal opportunities for dialogue.

13. The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all.

14. The second, dealing with Adaptability, includes DPs from the Adaptability and Equal Opportunities Pillars.

Das zweite behandelt das Thema Anpassungsfähigkeit und umfasst die für die Pfeiler "Anpassungsfähigkeit" und "Chancengleichheit" tätigen Entwicklungspartner schaften.

15. 18 The company made a declaration of intent to follow an equal opportunities policy.

16. The focus is on improving employability, developing entrepreneurship, encouraging adaptability and strengthening equal opportunities.

Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Verbesserung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, der Entwicklung unternehmerischer Initiative, der Förderung der Anpassungsfähigkeit und der Stärkung der Chancengleichheit.

17. The rest of the ESF contribution concerns the adaptation of workers and equal opportunities.

Im übrigen zielt der Beitrag des ESF auf die Anpassung der Arbeitnehmer und auf die Chancengleichheit zwischen Männern und Frauen.

18. Additionally, an advocacy campaign was carried out, promoting tolerance and equal opportunities for all

19. A wide advocacy campaign was carried out promoting tolerance and equal opportunities for all.

20. Along with priority 6 (local initiatives for equal opportunities) it will absorb 5% of total funding.

Schwerpunkt 5 macht zusammen mit Schwerpunkt 6 ("Lokale Initiativen für Chancengleichheit") 5% der Gesamtmittel aus.

21. But despite efforts systematically to ensure equal opportunities for all children, some groups remain on the margins.

22. Few described teaching methods in much detail and multicultural education and equal opportunities rarely received much attention.

23. Equal opportunities is interpreted as being judged by ability, which is compatible with a free-market economy.

24. Achieving equal opportunities in terms of digital access and skills is thus a social and economic necessity

Daher ist die Verwirklichung der Chancengleichheit im IKT-Bereich eine soziale und wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit

25. The European Employment Strategy puts a strong emphasis on four key areas: employability, entrepreneurship, adaptability and equal opportunities.

Die Europäische Beschäftigungsstrategie legt den Schwerpunkt auf folgende vier Schlüsselbereiche: Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, Unternehmergeist, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Chancengleichheit.

26. The Equal Opportunities Commission's equal pay task force will press ministers to compel employers to close the gap.

27. The Equal Opportunities Commission publishes a Code of Practice on Equal Pay that gives practical advice to employers.

28. This may be seen as the obverse of racial discrimination; but an equal opportunities argument is not merely that.

29. A job program that provides genuinely equal opportunities for ghetto boys and girls will only reinforce the girls' economic edge.

30. The institutional racism model thus overlaps with an equal opportunities model which demands self-conscious meritocracy in spirit and in procedures.

31. How this study may contribute to theoretical and empirical work both on equal opportunities and the study of management and organisations.

32. The European Commission and ACER apply a policy of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in accordance with Article 1d of the Staff Regulations.

Die Europäische Kommission und ACER verfolgen eine Politik der Chancengleichheit und Nichtdiskriminierung nach Artikel 1d des Beamtenstatuts.

33. When equal opportunities to formal, gainful employment within and beyond the agricultural sector is provided, women generate earnings for themselves and their households.

34. 10 Videos tapes titled "A Very Special Equal Opportunities Mission" containing TV docudrama on discriminatory cases are now available on loan in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.

35. The contributors included ten Member States, European and international bodies, national bodies for human rights, and equal opportunities, members of academia, private citizens and almost 60 non-governmental organisations.

Hundert Antworten gingen ein, darunter Beiträge aus zehn Mitgliedstaaten, von europäischen und internationalen Gremien, nationalen Stellen, die für Menschenrechts- und Gleichstellungsfragen zuständig sind, Akademikern, Privatbürgern und fast 60 Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NRO).

36. The quality of employment, including mobility prospects and training, should become the real competitive factor in a Europe which does not wish to abandon the principles of solidarity and equal opportunities which are its watchwords.

37. Biotelemetry provides equal opportunities to every employee and opportunities and growth in a variety of areas. We are seeking individuals who will live by our Values: We will create an environment that inspires creativity, innovation and personal growth

38. Aware believes in the rights of women and men to make informed and responsible choices about their lives and to have equal opportunities in education, marriage and employment, and in the right of women to control their own bodies, particularly with regard to sexual and reproductive rights.

39. I have given this example, Mr President, in order to stress the need to tackle the issue of violence against women at a European level and from every possible angle: from trafficking in human beings, to migration policies, to equal opportunities – hence the need for non-discrimination.

Ich habe dieses Beispiel angeführt, Herr Präsident, um die Notwendigkeit zu bekräftigen, das Thema Gewalt gegen Frauen auf europäischer Ebene und unter jedem möglichen Gesichtspunkt zu behandeln: vom Menschenhandel über die Migrationspolitik bis hin zur Chancengleichheit – und somit der Notwendigkeit der Nichtdiskriminierung.

40. Alette van Leur, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Netherlands Thomas de Graaf, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Government Reform and Kingdom Relations,The Netherlands Vladimir Spidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Claude Moraes, Member European Parliament Chair: 10.30 Coffee Break Speakers:

41. Actions to create equal opportunities for public servants and beneficiaries of the agrarian reform have been developed, such as, for example, the technical cooperation project “Gender and Agrarian Reform” with FAO, which had the purpose of providing inputs for the development of public policies to diminish the legal, bureaucratic, socio-economic and behavioral obstacles faced by women within the scope of the agrarian reform.

42. Pursuant to the Federal Act on Federal Government Reports about Reducing Discrimination against Women (Bundesgesetz über Berichte der Bundesregierung betreffend den Abbau von Benachteiligungen von Frauen), Federal Law Gazette No. 837/1992, the federal-service sector is committed to reducing existing discrimination against women in order to achieve effective equal opportunities for women and men with respect to adjusting the different age limits in the statutory social security scheme.

43. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to create conditions enabling and helping older women to remain in and/or return to the labour market during the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, so they can use their potential on the labour market and so their rights are respected; calls on the Commission and the Member States also to implement measures that encourage employers to improve their equal opportunities policies so that ageist attitudes towards older women are tackled and so that older female employees receive equal access to for instance training, promotion, and career development;

fordert die Kommission und die Mitgliedstaaten auf, während des Europäischen Jahres des aktiven Alterns und der Solidarität zwischen den Generationen die Voraussetzungen dafür zu schaffen, dass ältere Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt bleiben oder dorthin zurückkehren können, damit sie ihr Potenzial auf dem Arbeitsmarkt nutzen können und ihre Rechte respektiert werden; fordert die Kommission und die Mitgliedstaaten auf, auch Maßnahmen einzuführen, mit denen die Arbeitgeber dazu angehalten werden, ihre Gleichstellungspolitik zu verbessern, damit diskriminierende Verhaltensweisen gegen ältere Frauen aufgrund des Alters bekämpft werden und ältere Arbeitnehmerinnen gleichberechtigten Zugang zum Beispiel zu Fortbildungsmaßnahmen, Beförderung und zum beruflichen Aufstieg erhalten;