epithets in Germany

epithets [epiθets] Beiworte

Sentence patterns related to "epithets"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "epithets" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "epithets", or refer to the context using the word "epithets" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Racial epithets were scrawled on the walls.

2. Are they terms of endearment ? epithets? exclamations? exaggerations?

3. Synonyms for Affronts include insults, slights, indignities, outrage, slurs, abuse, injury, provocation, epithets and offences

4. Both sides have concocted a lexicon of epithets for each other.

5. They invented racial epithets that showed the same imagination which put humankind upon the moon.

6. The Historical Finger-post; a Handy Book of Terms, Phrases, Epithets, Cognomens, Allusions, &c

7. Epithets can be abusive: You clumsy fool! epitome A short summary of a speech or book.

8. The learned men of that school were known as doctors plus epithets: the Angelic Doctor, the Sublime Doctor and so forth.

9. We hardly look askance at the miserably married or theexes who hurl epithets in divorce court.

10. What words have the most powerful effect on you? Are they terms of endearment? epithets? exclamations? exaggerations?

11. There is a class of words known as epithets which are really nouns plus adjectives masquerading as pure nouns.

12. According to one report: Racial epithets were shouted at the black students as the two sides rumbled on the gray linoleum.

13. 25 The learned men of that school were known as doctors plus epithets: the Angelic Doctor, the Sublime Doctor and so forth.

14. Antonomasia proper names imparts From kindred, country, epithets, and arts.] Use of a proper name to suggest its most obvious quality or aspect

15. 25 A similar move was recently pulled by a publisher who planned to purge Huck Finn's racial epithets in a forthcoming edition.

16. 28 Though the coffin's cartouches—oval rings containing the pharaoh's names—had been chiseled off, the coffin bore epithets associated only with Akhenaten himself.

17. HARNEY They knew no fine political shades, they Bandied no epithets; England was at war and they were going to fight—that was enough

18. Attorney Joon Kim slapped charges on radio Blitherer Craig Carton, the same guy who spouted racist epithets at Edison Mayoral candidate Choi back in 2005

19. Buddha is one of the many epithets of a teacher who lived in northern India sometime between the 6th and the 4th century before the Common Era.

20. Likewise, people consistently use two-word epithets to designate specific organisms within a larger group of organisms, despite there being an infinitude of potentially more logical methods.

21. Backstage depicts naked groupies, drug use, internal squabbles, and hardly a sentence goes by that isn't filled with obscenities or epithets, but the rappers come across as a surprisingly genial, friendly lot just enjoying themselves

22. Who Are the Aryans? “We are so accustomed to consider language a mark of race that it is difficult to avoid using linguistic epithets in an ethnological sense, and a good deal of confused thinking

23. Every kind of Contumelious reproach is heaped on the heads of the working men who dare to replace him when he strikes; and he does not scruple to use under such conditions weapons more convincing than the most opprobrious epithets.

24. Cognomen, or nicknames, are epithets that are given to characters as an additional part of their name in honour (or ridicule) of their characteristics and accomplishments. Each character can only have one nickname, and they typically appear between a …

25. Every kind of Contumelious reproach is heaped on the heads of the working men who dare to replace him when he strikes; and he does not scruple to use under such conditions weapons more convincing than the most opprobrious epithets.

26. Bigamist, card sharp, prison escapee and faker of his own death are just some of the epithets attached to Nat Clifford, who was more favourably remembered as an acrobat, music-hall entertainer, writer and silent-movie actor until his death in 1948.

27. The decidedly uncosmopolitan citizens of Paul Haggis' Balkanized Los Angeles live and work cheek to jowl with a rainbow coalition of races and ethnicities, all the while muttering and screaming a common string of racial epithets and slurs at their unloved neighbors.

28. ‘During almost 40 years, Castroism, lacking a practical and formal vocabulary, used the most improbable epithets to discredit its political opponents.’ ‘Though Castroism has caused fewer factions in Communism than the other currents, Fidel remains an important influence and a …

29. These attributes jarred on the sensitive Ritson, who racked his brains for Contumelious epithets such as stupid and disgusting, cart-loads of rubbish, &c.; and during the greater part of the 18th and 19th centuries Lydgate's reputation was at its lowest ebb

30. The careless and ungodly emboldened by the position of religious teachers, resorted to opprobrious epithets, to base and blasphemous witticisms, in their efforts to heap Contumely upon him and his work.: Los indiferentes y los impíos, alentados por la actitud de los maestros de

31. The altitude at apoapsis (point farthest from the center of attraction) for a lunar orbit is known as Apolune, apocynthion, or aposelene, while the periapsis (point closest to the center of attraction) is known as perilune, pericynthion, or periselene, from names or epithets of the moon goddess.

32. “By this time there is hardly a newspaper of any sort or description in the country that has not carried one or more spiteful articles denouncing Jehovah’s witnesses as ‘fifth columnists financed by foreign capital,’ ‘an advance guard of Communism,’ ‘false prophets,’ ‘enemies of the state and society,’ etc., etc., using all the usual epithets.