eagle owl in Germany

eagle owl [iːglaul] Eule, Uhu

Sentence patterns related to "eagle owl"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "eagle owl" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "eagle owl", or refer to the context using the word "eagle owl" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Bubo leucostictus (Akun Eagle-Owl) Bubo philippensis (Philippine Eagle-Owl) Bubo blakistoni (Blakiston's Fish Owl) Containing group: Strigidae

2. Bubo (Strigidae; Ϯ Great Eagle Owl B

3. Under the action of external load, angles between Barbicels and rachis structure of eagle-owl feather decreased, which consumed a part

4. Landscape structure and food supply affect eagle owl (Bubo Bubo) density and breeding performance: a case of intra-population heterogeneity

5. Inspired by eagle-owl feather with characteristics of light weight and high strength, the bionic continuous carbon fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite with Barbicel structure was

6. Under the action of external load, angles between Barbicels and rachis structure of eagle-owl feather decreased, which consumed a part of energy and built structure base of bionic

7. Inspired by eagle-owl feather with characteristics of light weight and high strength, the bionic continuous carbon fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite with Barbicel structure was successfully 3D printed

8. Inspired by eagle-owl feather with characteristics of light weight and high strength, the bionic continuous carbon fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite with Barbicel structure was successfully 3D printed

9. A rescuer Abseiled 130 feet down an airless well to save a trapped owl By Jack Guy and Frederik Pleitgen, CNN Updated 12:29 PM ET, Mon July 27, 2020 The owl young eagle owl is …

10. The Commission also submits that the agricultural areas are important hunting grounds for the Levant sparrowhawk (Accipiter brevipes), the long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) and the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo), which are listed as breeding birds on the standard data forms and are expressly mentioned in the assessment of the SPA.

Die Kommission trägt auch vor, dass die landwirtschaftlichen Flächen wichtige Jagdflächen des Kurzfangsperbers (Accipiter brevipes), des Adlerbussards (Buteo rufinus) und des Uhu (Bubo bubo) sind, die als Brutvögel im Standarddatenbogen aufgeführt und bei der Bewertung des BSG ausdrücklich genannt werden.