early work in Germany

early work [əːliːwəːk] Jugendwerk

Sentence patterns related to "early work"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "early work" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "early work", or refer to the context using the word "early work" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. His early work is rather precious and juvenile.

2. 2 This painting is typical of his early work.

3. This is a good example of the artist's early work.

4. His later work was vastly inferior to his early work.

5. The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work.

6. His early work focused on the Doppler effect in optics and acoustics.

7. Zelmanov's early work was on Jordan algebras in the case of infinite dimensions.

8. Her early work is very much after the fashion of Picasso and Braque.

9. His early work was impressionistic, but he soon changed to a Fauvist style.

10. His early work has influenced the later artists Painter of Louvre MNB 1148.

Sein Frühwerk lässt auch Einflüsse des Malers von Louvre MNB 1148 erkennen.

11. In his early work, Ludwig Wittgenstein attempted to separate metaphysical and supernatural language from rational discourse.

12. Early work on primate social systems yielded the first model of their social evolution in the mid-1960s.

13. His early work was focused on astrometrics, particularly in the examination of photographic plates to measure stellar parallax.

Von Anfang an konzentrierte sich Bergstrand auf die Astrometrie, und hier besonders auf die Untersuchung von photographischen Aufnahmen zur Messung der stellaren Parallaxe.

14. Her early work depicted a dreamy hinterland between landscape and abstraction, like the molten scenes of late Turner.

15. His early work was on algebraic number fields, how to decompose the ideal generated by a prime number into prime ideals.

16. He also experimented with photography, and did significant early work with X-rays from 18 and with radio waves from 18

17. Building on Heider's early work, other psychologists in the 1960s and 70s extended work on attributions by offering additional related theories.

18. Bunsen developed several gas-analytical methods, was a pioneer in photochemistry, and did early work in the field of organoarsenic chemistry.

19. Much of his early work was produced with Lee Perry , although the pair split in acrimony over the assignment of recording rights.

Die frühen Stücke der Band waren vom schnellen, gut tanzbaren Ska geprägt. Bis zum Ende der 1960er Jahre waren zusätzlich Elemente der jamaikanischen Volksmusik von den "Wailers" aufgenommen worden, zusätzlich wurde der Beat verlangsamt; der Musikstil , der heute unter dem Namen Reggae bekannt ist, entstand.

20. However, it should be noted that Pascal and Fermat, though doing important early work in probability theory, did not develop the field very far.

21. Although Rattle studied piano and violin, his early work with orchestras was as a percussionist for the Merseyside Youth Orchestra (now Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Orchestra).

22. Its early work focused on the effect of birds in controlling agricultural pests and mapping the geographical distribution of plants and animals in the United States.

23. Her early work explored p-Adic L-functions, which became the topic of her first thesis, and she continues to work on the related fields of zeta functions.

24. Most of it was written between 1915 and 1962, although much of the early work was abandoned and the early Cantos, as finally published, date from 1922 onwards.

25. Time Considered as A helix of Semi-Precious Stones, a collection of the Comsat Angels' BBC sessions from 1979-1984, is an excellent introduction to the band's early work

26. Other approaches utilizing Adjoints for inverse problems include early work in the inversion of fluid pressure observations (Jacquard & Jain 1965) and more closely related work in seismic imaging presented (Tarantola 1984, 1988)

27. ‘To be an actor was literally to be consigned to hell, and the theater revenged this slight to its honor by Burlesquing religion.’ ‘In his early work, Thackeray burlesqued popular authors and tried on …

28. His early work was focused on Doppler effect in optics and acoustics . In 1864 he took a job as professor of mathematics in Graz , in 1866 he was also appointed as a professor of physics.

So gilt er als einer der einflussreichsten Vertreter oder sogar als Mitbegründer des Empiriokritizismus .

29. An early work of his, " Brummagem," was performed in PNB's 1978 "Summer Inventions" workshop, but he soured on the company after PNB reneged on a promise to provide live music for …

30. Chrominance Subsampling Page 2 Chrominance subsampling During the early work on color television systems (analog, of course), note was taken of the fact that the human eye is able to discern finer detail conveyed by

31. But one yearns for more of the chaotic bravado that drove their early work: amid dreamy harmonies and jangly guitar lines, only the Crescendoing title track and rumbling freak-out "North Parade" truly catch fire

32. 66, is a pair of Arabesques composed for piano by Claude Debussy when he was still in his twenties, between the years 1888 and 1891. Although quite an early work, the Arabesques contain hints of Debussy's developing musical style.

33. Carpaccio may have been a pupil of Lazzaro Bastiani, but the dominant influences on his early work were those of Gentile Bellini and Antonello da Messina.The style of his work suggests he might also have visited Rome as a young man.

34. He scowled, grumbled, turned his Bandanaed head away, as if to say, “Don’t make me reconsider my firm prejudices.” Of course, Wallace was using Leyner as a way of marking his own difference from American postmodernism, never mind that his early work and even Jest scream “Pynchon! Barth!”

35. ‘The Bardic elements ring clear in the early work of both poets and became an essential part of whatever either moved on into.’ ‘From the review of the Bardic political work above, it becomes clear that bards were manipulating not just words but also systems of knowledge, both prosaic and beyond.’

36. ‘The Bardic elements ring clear in the early work of both poets and became an essential part of whatever either moved on into.’ ‘From the review of the Bardic political work above, it becomes clear that bards were manipulating not just words but also systems of knowledge, both prosaic and beyond.’

37. He can then begin to work moreand more with the symbols on paper, without using the material to find the answers.The sixth group of materials, Fractions, can work parallel to the group of making Abstractionsand the early work with the fractions can begin with sensorial work.Q.2: Explain the exercises which enable the child to count till 1000?