earmarking in Germany

earmarking [iəmɑːkiŋ] kennzeichnend

Sentence patterns related to "earmarking"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "earmarking" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "earmarking", or refer to the context using the word "earmarking" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In modern politics, pork-Barreling and earmarking have become virtually synonymous

2. The argument that earmarking specific actions considerably slows down the disbursement does not always hold true.

Das Argument, daß eine detaillierte Zweckorientierung das Auszahlungstempo erheblich drossle, erweist sich nicht immer als richtig.

3. Full earmarking of revenues could bring to Europe more than 500 000 additional employment opportunities.

Durch eine vollständige Zweckbindung der Einnahmen könnten in Europa mehr als 500 000 zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden.

4. Funding for United Nations agencies must be predictable, must cover long-term needs and must avoid earmarking.

5. Lawmakers also worry about the public perception that the earmarking process breeds corruption or pay - to - play politics.

6. The earmarking of revenues is aimed at promoting acceptance by the public and reducing external road transport costs.

Die Zweckbindung der Einnahmen soll Öffentlichkeitsakzeptanz fördern und die externen Straßenverkehrskosten verringern.

7. 2. With the restructuring of the NRDWP, there will be 2% earmarking of funds for Japanese Encephalitis (JE) /Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) affected areas.

8. India has also agreed to consider earmarking another US$ 100 million under the Buyer's Credit under the National Export Insurance Account, for use by Vietnam.

9. IBM is also turning its attention and earmarking funds to develop relationships with the University of Technology in Ho Chi Minh City and the College of Technology in Hanoi.

10. 29 IBM is also turning its attention and earmarking funds to develop relationships with the University of Technology in Ho Chi Minh City and the College of Technology in Hanoi.

11. Only the union he was forced to join, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, has been doing any formal saving and earmarking of his retirement assets.

Nur die Gewerkschaft, der er beitreten musste, die American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, hat überhaupt Gelder für seine Rente gespart und zweckgebunden.

12. Let me be clear that, as far as I am concerned, the possibility of a congestion charge for road freight transport is inadmissible, and I also consider the abandonment of earmarking unacceptable.

Ich möchte ganz klar sagen, dass die Möglichkeit der Einführung einer Staugebühr für den Straßengüterverkehr meiner Ansicht nach unzulässig ist. Auch wehre ich mich gegen den Verzicht auf die Zweckbindung.

13. It is too early to say whether the outcome will be a general clause or whether earmarking will be introduced, but the initial breakthrough has occurred, and the principle of equality between countries has in that way been abandoned.

Ob eine Generalklausel eingeführt werden wird, oder ob die Regelung zweckgebunden ist, läßt sich noch nicht sagen, aber es wurde ein erster Durchbruch erreicht. Damit hat man das Prinzip der Gleichheit aller Länder verlassen.

14. Since the advent of Activity Based Budgeting and of the new Financial Regulation removed the distinction between administrative and operational expenditure in the classical sense, and excluded the possibility of earmarking, the Commission proposed several programmes to cover this range of budget lines until then without legal base.

15. The letter also mentioned the practice of 'specific earmarking' and stated that the use of this terminology struck at the heart of SEP's policy, noting that only SEP imports and that SEP as a monopolist decides whether or not an individual consumer is allotted a share of the imported electricity.

Ebenfalls erwähnt dieses Schreiben "spezielle Zuweisungen" und stellt dar, daß diese Terminologie den Kern der Einstellung von SEP klarstellt, wonach allein SEP Einfuhren vornimmt und SEP als Monopolist beschließt, ob ein einzelner Abnehmer Elektrizität zugewiesen erhält oder nicht .