dysentery in Germany

dysentery [disəntriː] Ruh

Sentence patterns related to "dysentery"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dysentery" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dysentery", or refer to the context using the word "dysentery" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Bacillary dysentery synonyms, Bacillary dysentery pronunciation, Bacillary dysentery translation, English dictionary definition of Bacillary dysentery

2. What's amoebic dysentery?

Was ist Amöbenruhr?

3. Starvation, exhaustion, dysentery.

4. The term Bacillary dysentery etymologically might seem to refer to any dysentery caused by any bacilliform bacteria, but its meaning is restricted by convention to Shigella dysentery.

5. Bacillary dysentery the most common and violent form of dysentery, caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella

6. He was attacked with dysentery.

7. Is it the dysentery?

8. She had dysentery for a week.

9. Dysentery is already rife among survivors.

10. Bacillary dysentery is the most common type of dysentery. It results from bacteria called Shigella

11. In many countries contaminated water spreads cholera, jaundice, typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, and amoebic dysentery, among other diseases.

In vielen Ländern werden durch verseuchtes Wasser unter anderem Cholera, Gelbsucht, Typhus, Salmonellenenteritis sowie Bazillen- und Amöbenruhr übertragen.

12. Amoebiasis is also known as amoebic dysentery

13. Hence, Shigella cells may cause dysentery.

14. Richard was in bed with dysentery.

15. According to the pathological investigation, you have caught dysentery.

16. He was seized with a violent attack of dysentery.

17. " Tell him about your dysentery, " jeered Scarlett.

18. Augustine's father died of dysentery before the war ended.

19. He has been attacked with dysentery for three days.

20. Quinolones is main drug to treat bacillary dysentery.

21. The pathogenic bacteria cause cholera , typhoid fever and shigella dysentery .

22. While fleeing for his life, King John died of dysentery.

23. Then he died of dysentery - He give me the watch.

24. These apparently included elephantiasis, dysentery, smallpox, bubonic plague, and ophthalmia.

25. 8 Men were dying daily from malaria, dysentery and malnutrition.

26. Men were dying daily from malaria, dysentery and malnutrition.

27. Dysentery and malaria are rife in the refugee camps.

28. Useing for asthma, heat dysentery, heat stranguria, and carbuncle.

29. Louis fell ill with dysentery, and was cured by an Arab physician.

30. Used for dysentery, heavy menstrual, lung, bronchitis, mucus, Explanation of Allseed

31. Dysentery may also be caused by shigellosis, an infection by bacteria of the genus Shigella, and is then known as Bacillary dysentery (or Marlow syndrome)

32. 11 Pigs acutely affected with swine dysentery should be medicated via the water.

33. Dysentery is a diarrheal syndrome characterized by frequent small bowel movements with blood and mucus, fever, malaise, and abdominal cramps 1,2,3,4; Bacillary dysentery refers to dysentery caused by infection and invasion of the intestine by Shigella species or enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) 1; clinical features associated with infection with Shigella spp

34. Pigs acutely affected with swine dysentery should be medicated via the water.

35. This is one of the most dangerous bacteria that causes dysentery.

36. I'd hate to think that she came down with amoebic dysentery or piles.

Es wäre schrecklich, wenn sie an Amöbenruhr oder Hämorrhoiden erkrankte.

37. They suffered from malaria, dysentery and other diseases, and they were frequently frightened.

38. They fought yellow fever, dysentery, parasites and . . . I saw . . . their gravestones —all through Africa.”

39. He died of dysentery in January 1596, after unsuccessfully attacking San Juan, Puerto Rico.

40. Many of the children were stricken with dysentery and other digestive-tract ills.

41. In industrialized regions, enteric Campylobacter infections produce an inflammatory, sometimes bloody, diarrhea or dysentery syndrome.

42. Arabica Espresso, coconut water, some karo syrup, and 4 milliliters of patented synthetic amebic dysentery.

Arabica-Espresso, Kokosnusswasser, etwas Maissirup und vier Milliliter patentierte, synthetische Amöbenruhr.

43. Thus, Amoebiasis meaning is an infection by amoebas that majorly causes dysentery

44. Garland, made, beautiful fragrant baldric, woman scramble to wear to flooding, dysentery.

45. In this way humans contract such debilitating and deadly illnesses as typhoid, dysentery, and even cholera.

46. Jiedu kill early , against the rule vomit belch choking treatment , only Dianzuo dysentery , Qu beriberi.

47. Bacillary dysentery the most common and violent form of dysentery, caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella. It is most common in the tropics, the subtropics, and East Asia and can be fatal, especially among children

48. Acute Amoebiasis can present as diarrhoea or dysentery with frequent, small and often bloody stools

49. The conditions were harsh and many deaths were caused by exposure, malaria, and amoebic dysentery.

Es waren harte Umstände und viele starben an Malaria, Amöbenruhr oder wenn ihre Tarnung aufflog.

50. 22 One of these , the plasmodium,[www.Sentencedict.com] causes malaria. Other protozoa cause sleeping sickness and amebic dysentery.