deluged in Germany

deluged [deljuːdʒd] überschwemmte

Sentence patterns related to "deluged"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deluged" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deluged", or refer to the context using the word "deluged" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They were deluged with applications.

2. The campsite was deluged by a flash flood.

3. The movie star was deluged with requests for her autograph.

4. In this information age, we are deluged by data constantly.

5. The town was deluged with thick slimy mud.

6. We have been deluged with applications for the job.

7. Family physicians were deluged with calls from women concerned about the HRT they were taking.

8. Flooded, drowned, engulfed, submerged, immersed, afloat, inundated, deluged, submersed The bathroom floor was Awash

9. He had deluged scores of strangers with letters and phone calls Bewailing the

10. The unprecedented downpour deluged the nearby Spiceball Park Leisure centre.The building was evacuated, as flood water filled the basement.

11. That is not to deny that the angry Chinese nationalists who have deluged the internet with their splenetic outpourings and staged protests in China (see article) have a point.

12. On the one hand, Haitians were deluged with text messages imploring them to wash before eating, while on the other they had to bathe their children in largely untreated sewer water.

13. Since 1992, he has contributed illustrations and more than one hundred covers to The New Yorker, including “Deluged,” voted Cover of the Year by the American Society of Magazine Editors in 2006,… More about Barry Blitt

14. He had deluged scores of strangers with letters and phone calls Bewailing the appalling state of the world as he saw it, and unfortunately those messages frequently contained the most foul racial and ethnic abuse, liberally sprinkled with the fruitiest obscenities offered by the English language.

15. (Matthew 24:37-39) Similarly, the apostle Peter wrote that just as “the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water,” so also “the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men” looms over the present world.—2 Peter 3:5-7.

16. Since 1992, he has contributed illustrations and more than one hundred covers to The New Yorker, including “Deluged,” voted Cover of the Year by the American Society of Magazine Editors in 2006, and “The Politics of Fear,” a finalist for the same award in 2009.Blitt’s work has also appeared in Vanity Fair, Time