demagnetization in Germany

demagnetization [diːmægnitaizeiʃən] Entmagnetisierung

Sentence patterns related to "demagnetization"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demagnetization" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demagnetization", or refer to the context using the word "demagnetization" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Demagnetization devices


2. Activation requires demagnetization.

3. Demagnetization system and method

4. Thus, cipher keys are not lost to demagnetization.

5. Method of demagnetization prevention and control for electric motor

6. Spontaneous self-demagnetization of the domain caused by temperature effect.

Spontane Selbstentmagnetisierung der Domäne als Folge der Einwirkung der Temperatur .

7. Average demagnetization factors so calculated for a cylindrical specimen are tabulated.

Mittlere Entmagnetisierungsfaktoren für eine zylindrische Probe werden tabelliert.

8. The tangent of the shearing angle corresponds to the demagnetization factor N.

Die heute kommerziell genutzten Materialien Seco und Neofer basieren auf der Zusammensetzung Sm Co5, Sm2 (Fe/Co)17 und Nd2Fe14B.

9. The Weiss-field model is extended to the case of adiabatic demagnetization.

10. Shearing: Shifting of the working point on the demagnetization curve by opening the previously closed magnetic circuit.

Seco p ®: Aus einer Seltenerd-Kobalt-Legierung und Kunststoffbindemittel bestehender Magnetwerkstoff.

11. Two components of magnetization have been isolated from Chequamegon Sandstone samples using chemical demagnetization.

12. Upon thermal demagnetization to 520 or 540 °C, streaking disappears and remanence vectors systematically steepen.

13. By thermal demagnetization experiments different magnetic minerals were determined as carriers of the natural rémanent magnetization (NRM).

Thermische Entmagnetisierungsversuche an 277 Proben zeigen, daß die natürliche remanente Magnetisierung (NRM) von mehreren, an verschiedene Magnetisierungsträger gebundenen Komponenten getragen wird.

14. In 35% of the specimens, the AF demagnetization process induced an anhysteretic magnetization component above 250 Oe.

15. Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition and subsequent thermal demagnetization indicate that pyrrhotite is the dominant ferrimagnetic mineral.

16. The magnetization characteristics and/or the demagnetization factors of the separating and compensating packings are substantially the same.

17. The value commonly known as the magnetic strength inside the permanent magnet is therefore the demagnetization field strength.

Die landläufig als magnetische Feldstärke im Inneren des Permanentmagneten bezeichnete Größe ist dabei der Anteil der Entmagnetisierungsfeldstärke.

18. Demagnetization was performed on more than one sample where stability was low using alternating field and thermal techniques.

Mindestens eine Probe je Niveau wurde thermisch und in magnetischen Wechselfeldern entmagnetisiert.

19. We interpret this in terms of thermal demagnetization of the high-magnetic crustal roots beneath the collision zones.

20. For a body of any shape with low susceptibility, a new concept of average demagnetization factor is introduced.

Für Körper beliebiger Form mit kleiner Suszeptibilität wls neuer Begriff der mittlere Entmagnetisierungsfaktor eingeführt.

21. Monte Carlo simulations of the spin-system isothermic states and of the adiabatic demagnetization process have been made.

22. Three distinct natural remanent magnetizations (NRM's), U1N, U1R, and U2, were isolated by alternating-field and thermal demagnetization.

23. Absolute zero cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers, dilution refrigerators, and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization.

24. Residual magnetism: Because of the manufacturing process, delivered magnets exhibit a greater or lesser degree of residual magnetism. This can only be reduced by means of a time-consuming demagnetization process.

Scherung: Verschiebung des Arbeitspunktes auf der Entmagnetisierungskurve durch Öffnen des vorher geschlossenen Magnetkreises.

25. Inexpensive strontium ferrite magnets were used. Melting processes and thermally induced material changes on the magnet surface during the laser labeling of the magnets results in a local demagnetization.

Aufgrund der durch den Laser hervorgerufenen lokalen Erwärmung über die Curie-Temperatur, kommt es zu Aufschmelzvorgängen und Werkstoffveränderungen an der Magnetoberfläche und folglich zur Entmagnetisierung des entsprechenden Volumens.

26. Now report that chemical reduction of a low-density chromium-pyrazine network produces a magnet that remains stable above 200°C and resists demagnetization with 7500-oersted Coercivity at room temperature

27. As the world’s first and only commercial supplier we build Cryostats that implement classical “one-shot” adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration (ADR) as well as continuous ADR (cADR) for permanent solid-state cooling at sub-Kelvin temperatures.

28. The structures and energies of the ground states and the values of the critical temperatures, Tc, and minimal polarizations, ρc, at which adiabatic demagnetization leads to spontaneous spin ordering, calculated for the GaAs and CaF2 nuclear spin systems, are presented.