demanding in Germany

demanding [dimɑːndiŋ] abfordernd, verlangend

Sentence patterns related to "demanding"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demanding" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demanding", or refer to the context using the word "demanding" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. "Demanding yet more lawsuits".

2. Climbing is physically demanding.

3. She's demanding actual results.

4. Girl Demanding An Abortion.

" Mädchen, das nach einer Abtreibung verlangt "

5. Knowledgeable and demanding consumers

6. Activate Window Demanding Attention

7. Rently performed Attentionally demanding task

8. Well...What are you actually demanding?

So... was wollen Sie eigentlich, was wollen Sie erreichen?

9. We're demanding compensations of $13 million.

10. The victims are demanding full restitution.

11. The islanders are demanding home rule.

12. 19 His mouth plundered hers, brushing her lips, forcing entry with his tongue, demanding, demanding all the while.

13. He finds tennis demanding too much exertion.

14. The activities of forest workers are demanding.

Die Arbeit von Forstleuten ist sehr anstrengend.

15. He' s demanding the Agency' s help

16. The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy.

17. They are quarrelsome, primitive, demanding and messy.

18. They are demanding equal rights and justice.

19. Backbreaking: Demanding great exertion; arduous and exhausting

20. The treatment for Bedsores is extremely demanding

21. The week’s activity was full and demanding.”

22. Breastfeeding can also be physically and psychologically demanding

23. Victims are demanding retribution for the terrorist attacks.

24. They all have outstretched hands and demanding mouths.

25. Army hotheads are demanding an alliance with Germany.

26. He was aggressive; she was demanding and proud.

27. They are now demanding a per diem rate.

28. He was charged with demanding money with menaces.

29. Nursing is an emotionally and physically demanding job.

30. He has denied demanding money to keep quiet.

31. Nope, we jaded couch potatoes are demanding more.

32. Inventory management is labor-intensive and technologically demanding.

33. 11 The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy.

34. Children are so demanding: they need constant attention.

35. The kidnappers were demanding a ransom of $2000.

36. And that, then, I think, is to provide a point of focus for people to start demanding action and start demanding progress.

37. She wrote to the company demanding an explanation.

38. It's a desperate situation demanding a desperate remedy.

39. Microsemi delivers a dedicated portfolio for demanding Automotive requirements

40. Hard, difficult, Arduous mean demanding great exertion or effort

41. My grandma became very demanding as she got older.

42. 11 Nursing is an emotionally and physically demanding job.

43. He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation.

44. We will be justly demanding equal rights at work.

45. My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off.

46. It was a demanding test of strength and endurance.

47. Yentob is being slightly disingenuous when demanding parental control.

48. It is a sensuous but demanding car to drive.

49. Allergists and Immunologists have demanding education and training requirements

50. Topa Inca requires the most demanding of the rituals.