continuations in Germany

continuations [kəntinjueiʃənz] Fortsetzunge

Sentence patterns related to "continuations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "continuations" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "continuations", or refer to the context using the word "continuations" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Continuations in The Racket Guide introduces Continuations

2. See Sub-expression Evaluation and Continuations and Prompts, Delimited Continuations, and Barriers for general information about Continuations

3. Continuations Quality Consignments, Stratford, Connecticut

4. Continuations in the Task Parallel Library Before TPL was around, Continuations were performed using callback methods

5. Continuations: uninterrupted or lasting existence

6. Synonyms for Continuations in Free Thesaurus

7. Applications of Continuations Daniel P

8. Therefore, Continuations may still run synchronously

9. Any takes an array of Continuations and returns a continuation that outputs a value whenever one of the Continuations outputs a value

10. These are conventional procedures, escape procedures and Continuations

11. Aread does not deal with line continuations

12. Adjourned terms are continuations of the regular term

13. This option is not valid for multi-task Continuations

14. Continuations are important because they don’t block any threads

15. This option is not valid for multi-task Continuations.

16. [Accordion]FY 2021 Q4 Continuations and Renewals: Notice of Funding, Appendix A Performance Measure Instructions, Application Instructions and MoreFY 2021 Q4 Continuations and Renewals are now open

17. Asynchronous Continuations are a a very powerful process engine feature

18. Partnership Continuations (sometimes referred to as “partnership F reorganizations”)

19. As such, UCC-3 terminations and Continuations will be thrust into the spotlight

20. 1895.01-Handling of and Considerations in the Handling of Continuations, Divisions, and Continuations-In-Part of PCT Applications; 1896-The Differences Between a National Application Filed Under 35 U.S.C

21. Continuations A UCC-1 lapses five years after filing (UCC § 9-515)

22. Up until now you could use asynchronous Continuations in two ways: Before an activity

23. Exit Continuations are a special kind of continuation, and call/cc creates the general kind

24. The representation of Continuations with lambda expressions is part of the truth, but not the whole truth

25. Continuations An expression's continuation is "the computation that will receive the result of that expression"

26. This consists of lightweight threads that use continuations and cooperative multitasking to share a single physical thread.

27. An instance of this is the uniform representation of ordinary functions and Continuations as jumps

28. Racket’s support for prompts and composable Continuations most closely resembles Dorai Sitaram’s % and fcontrol operator .

29. Section two, "Continuations", offers five essays that seek to expand the scope of Christian philosophy

30. From explicit Continuations, they may as well make it harder to recover specific information from the source program

31. With camunda BPM 7.2.0-alpha3, Asynchronous Continuations become even more powerful: You can now place an asynchronous continuation …

32. Continuations basically consist of the saved state of the stack and CPU registers at the point of context switches

33. This applies to all SAMHSA applications: responses to Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), post-award amendments, continuations, and supplement applications

34. Continuations by Albert Wenger A Word on NFTs Artists and authors are issuing non fungible tokens (NFTs) for their work

35. Charmed comics were officially licensed continuations of the popular television series of the same name, which ended its eight-year run in 2006

36. Apex Continuations are a mechanism provided by the Salesforce platform that allow you to make asynchronous long-running requests to an external Web Service

37. This site provides an overview of Non-Competing Continuations, which is an award made for additional funding/budget period wihtin a previously approved …

38. Continuations Depending on the terms of the initial award, some multi-year projects are negotiated each year, and others are fully established up front

39. Continuations are a powerful mechanism, and can be used to implement almost any sort of control structure, such as loops, coroutines, or exception handlers

40. US patent law differs from much of the rest of the world by allowing an unlimited number of Continuations, with no restriction on when they are

41. Be forewarned, an appreciation for the scope of section 708(a) is a bit like being armed with Maslow’s hammer.3 Many partnership Continuations are readily apparent

42. Similarly, the lexer has to know about the structure of continuations; the parser only knows that it sometimes gets additional text to add on to a header.

43. The Bureau of Assisted Living (BAL) requires all regulated assisted living providers to submit biennial/annual reports and license/certification Continuations using the e-renewal program

44. Continuations are not equivalent to coroutines (or generators), because a coroutine can yield control to another coroutine without losing its own future; the other coroutine eventually yields control back

45. Since Continuations make long-running requests, you might prefer to control when the continuation execution starts by making an imperative call instead of using the wire service

46. However the implementation of Continuations in Guile is not as efficient as one might hope, because Guile is designed to cooperate with programs written in other languages, such as C, which

47. What Are Continuations? A “continuation” is a patent application that claims priority to an earlier-filed application (often referred to as a “parent”) and shares the same written description

48. However, there were two films that fell outside this pattern: “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Suicide Squad,” both of which acted as retroactive Affirmants and continuations of the new DC Extended Universe.

49. Continuations are very low level construct, application developers not expected to use them directly, supposed to use a high level constructs that's built on top of them, but if you were to use

50. Aligning 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) with engineering drawings and company records created by the original C-type development team, our specialists at Jaguar Classic are able to craft hand-built Continuations with absolute authenticity.