contract of employment in Germany

contract of employment [kɔntræktɔfimplɔimənt] Dienstvertrag

Sentence patterns related to "contract of employment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "contract of employment" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "contract of employment", or refer to the context using the word "contract of employment" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Action for annulment of the defendant’s decision of 4 June 2014 to terminate the applicant’s contract of employment pursuant to a clause in that contract of employment.

Aufhebung der Entscheidung der beklagten Partei vom 4. Juni 2014, den Dienstvertrag der Klägerin, entsprechend einer Klausel dieses Arbeitsvertrags, zu beenden.

2. 2 These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.

3. The agreed wages shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the contract of employment

4. The agreed wages shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the contract of employment.

Der vereinbarte Lohn wird gemäß den Bestimmungen des Heuervertrags ausgezahlt.

5. The decision of the Arbitral body would then have become an implied term of contract of employment.

6. 19 The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.

7. In a salary sacrifice arrangement an employee gives up the right to part of the cash remuneration due under their contract of employment.

8. If there was a contract of employment, it was a conditional offer which consisted of Exhibit 4-3, the letter of intent and Exhibit 4-4 setting out the salary and leave allotments.

9. If the person ' s contract of employment will stay with their overseas company , you will need to make sure the arrangements for their tax and National Insurance payments are acceptable to the appropriate UK authorities .

10. The Aforesaid loss of promotion in terms of pay-scale or employment grade by staff under a private-law contract of employment during the period between their being placed on reserve and their dismissal due to retirement on a full old-age pension will not apply in most cases, including the present case, as, due to the length of time the employees have spent in the public sector, they have

11. 35 The Court has held that employees whose contract of employment or employment relationship comes to an end with effect from a date prior to that of the transfer, contrary to Article 4(1), must be regarded as still employed by the undertaking on the date of the transfer, with the result, in particular, that the employer's obligations towards them are automatically transferred from the transferor to the transferee (Case 101/87 Bork International and Others v Foreningen af Arbejdsledere i Danmark [1988] ECR 3057, paragraph 18).

35 Im übrigen hat der Gerichtshof bereits die Ansicht vertreten, daß die Arbeitnehmer, deren Arbeitsvertrag oder Arbeitsverhältnis vor dem Übergang unter Verstoß gegen Artikel 4 Absatz 1 beendet worden ist, zum Zeitpunkt des Übergangs als immer noch bei dem Unternehmen beschäftigt anzusehen sind, was vor allem zur Folge hat, daß die ihnen gegenüber bestehenden Arbeitgeberpflichten ohne weiteres vom Veräusserer auf den Erwerber übergehen (vgl. Urteil vom 15. Juni 1988 in der Rechtssache 101/87, Bork International u. a., Slg. 1988, 3057, Randnr. 18).

12. the aforesaid loss of promotion in terms of pay-scale or employment grade by staff under a private-law contract of employment during the period between their being placed on reserve and their dismissal due to retirement on a full old-age pension will not apply in most cases, including the present case, as, due to the length of time the employees have spent in the public sector, they have already reached the top pay scale and/or employment grade provided for under the applicable legislation governing promotions.

der oben angeführte Verlust einer etwaigen Dienstgrad- und Gehaltsentwicklung während des Zeitraums, in dem sich die im Rahmen eines privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnisses beschäftigten Bediensteten im Status der Arbeitskräftereserve befinden (bis zu ihrer Entlassung aufgrund des Eintritts in den Ruhestand bei voller Altersrente), in den meisten Fällen, wie auch hier, nicht eintreten wird, da der Bedienstete aufgrund seiner langen Dienstzeit bei der öffentlichen Stelle die in den einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften für ihn vorgesehene Gehalts- und/oder Dienstgradlaufbahn bereits erschöpft hat?