alarm message in Germany

alarm message [əlɑːmmesidʒ] akustisches Signal

Sentence patterns related to "alarm message"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alarm message" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alarm message", or refer to the context using the word "alarm message" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The Alarm message will appear and the preselected sound will be played at the set time

2. There is no change to the alarm message display other than the added quick- key help screens

3. Bridge and watch alarm system is available as an integrated function of the Conning display, with clear alarm message display and acknowledgment functions at every

4. For display alarms, the Confirm acknowledgment check box lets you specify whether you will be prompted for confirmation when you close the alarm message window. This may be used as a safeguard against accidental acknowledgment of alarms

Mit dem Ankreuzfeld Zurkenntnisnahme der Erinnungsmeldung bestätigen können Sie festlegen, ob Sie beim Schließen der Erinnungsmeldung die Zurkenntnisnahme der Meldung bestätigen müssen. Dies bietet einen gewissen Schutz gegen das versehentliche Bestätigen einer Erinnerung

5. Position windows far from mouse cursor: Select this option to display alarm message windows as far away from the current mouse cursor position as possible. This minimizes the chance of accidentally acknowledging an alarm by unintentionally clicking on a button just as the message window appears.

Erinnerungsfenster möglichst weit vom Mauszeiger entfernt platzieren: Mit dieser Einstellung wird verhindert, dass unbeabsichtigt durch einen Mausklick die Zurkenntnisnahme einer Erinnerung bestätigt wird, weil gerade in diesem Augenblick das Erinnerungsfenster unter dem Mauszeiger angezeigt wird.

6. According to an embodiment of the present invention, a method for receiving urgent alarm contents through a broadcast system includes the steps of: receiving a broadcast signal; parsing an urgent alarm table contained in the broadcast signal, the urgent alarm table containing an urgent alarm message and an urgent alarm contents transmission structure descriptor for signaling the information of the urgent alarm contents concerning the urgent alarm message, and the urgent alarm contents transmission structure descriptor containing the IP address of an IP datagram for transmitting the urgent alarm contents; receiving the IP datagram of the IP address; and decoding the IP datagram so as to reproduce the urgent alarm contents.