aims at in Germany

aims at [eimzeit] bezweckt

Sentence patterns related to "aims at"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aims at" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aims at", or refer to the context using the word "aims at" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He aims at great accuracy.

2. Harry aims at becoming a doctor.

3. The project aims at helping AIDS victims.

4. The policy aims at cutting down exhaust emissions.

5. A competition aims at comparing the abilities of candidates.

6. Science aims at understanding causality so control can be exerted.

7. This essay aims at investigating the phenomenon of youngsters idolatry.

8. Bugg aims at bringing popular cryptocurrency concepts to the mainstream

9. It also aims at maximizing profit but subject to Shariah restrictions.

10. Apophatic spirituality aims at the experience of God, pure and simple

11. Connecting aims at contributing to the creation of free and socially responsible …

12. Rehabilitation – Aims at transforming an offender into a valuable member of society.

13. U.S. accession to amity treaty aims at regaining interests in Southeast Asia

14. This paper aims at a quantitative theory of power absorption in polymeric solids.

Die Arbeit beabsichtigt eine quantitative Theorie der Energie-Dissipation in polymeren Festkörpern.

15. It is a comprehensive plan, which aims at full employment within two years.

16. This new proposal for a joint action aims at incorporating two additional elements.

Der neue Vorschlag für eine gemeinsame Aktion zielt auf die Einbeziehung zweier zusätzlicher Elemente ab.

17. The MoU aims at enhancing cooperation in capacity building of diplomats of IBSA countries.

18. 4) Circular economy is a mode of economic development which aims at environmental Benignancy …

19. The programme aims at making all national highways Railway Level Crossing free by 2019.

20. The present invention patent aims at the generation of electrical energy by aerodynamic forces.

21. Fiscal policy aims at containing the primary deficit while accommodating reconstruction and relief spending.

So zielt die Haushaltspolitik darauf ab, das Primärdefizit einzudämmen und gleichzeitig Ausgaben für Wiederaufbau und Hilfeleistungen vorzusehen.

22. Public policy aims at preventing systemic risk and providing safety nets such as deposit insurance

23. This invention aims at providing a potentiometer capable of enlarging a range of operating temperature.

24. Public policy aims at preventing systemic risk and providing safety nets such as deposit insurance.

25. The European Commission's MEDIA programme aims at promoting and developing the European audio-visual industry.

Das MEDIA-Programm der Europäischen Kommission hat die Förderung und den Ausbau der europäischen audiovisuellen Industrie zum Ziel.

26. 9 The joint venture, Infostrada,( aims at becoming a voice transmission provider in 19

27. 20 The thesis aims at researching the acquisition of physical memory image in physical memory forensics.

28. This personalized process aims at releasing human potential in a way that will benefit the corporation.

29. Attendit is a Educational ERP Platform which aims at facilitating the Faculty with a digital platform

30. This system aims at improving the private market efficiency and transparency, as to encourage capital formation.

31. The thesis aims at exhibiting the strong points and disclosing the shortcomings of administrative license system.

32. Attendit is a Educational ERP Platform which aims at facilitating the students with a digital platform

33. (11) The dis-indexation draft law aims at discontinuing indexation schemes in administered prices and fees.

(11) Der Entwurf des Gesetzes zum Abbau der Indexierung dient der Abschaffung von Indexierungsregelungen für administrierte Preise und Gebühren.

34. Attendit is a Educational ERP Platform which aims at facilitating the Faculty with a digital platform

35. Biomimicry clothing aims at applying biological processes and organisms to material that reconnects our body to nature

36. Assessed is an assessment to remediation- analytics platform that aims at redefining the way Schools conducts Assessments

37. The International Ambiances Network aims at structuring and developing the research field of architectural and urban Ambiances

38. Crisis and dispute management – working with Chinese manufacturers any company aims at stable and non-conflict activity.

39. 4.350.0.79.08) aims at contributing to the development, testing and critical evaluation of new ambulatory care data systems.

Das Projekt «Ein schweizerischer Health Survey: Methoden zur Definition und Erfassung von Gesundheits- und Versorgungsindikatoren» (SNF 4.350.0.79.08) hat zum Ziel, im Bereich der ambulanten Versorgung zur Entwicklung, Erprobung und Beurteilung von neuen Datenerhebungsmethoden beizutragen.

40. Socialism aims at the abolition of class struggle by the abolition of classes and having one class .

41. As a value network, Baas aims at seamlessly integrating as many service providers as needed into one

42. That Regulation aims at further accelerating the achievement of an effective integrated market for card based payments.

Zweck der genannten Verordnung ist es, noch schneller zu einem effektiv integrierten Markt für kartenbasierte Zahlungen zu kommen.

43. The Action Plan aims at examining all potentially abnormal RAL by the end of 2003 (paragraph 9.3)

Ziel des Aktionsplans ist die Prüfung aller potenziellen Altlasten bis Ende 2003 (Ziffer 9.32).

44. Paragraph (b) aims at mitigating risks of collusion and ensuring acceptable auction outcomes for the procuring entity

45. This paper aims at solving the deficiency of flight path control system of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

46. The counselling process focuses upon self-image, and ultimately aims at modifying it in a constructive way.

47. Such a channel raster aims at enabling compatibility and facilitating coexistence of the applications allowed in these bands.

Eine solche Kanalaufteilung soll die Kompatibilität der in diesen Frequenzbändern erlaubten Anwendungen gewährleisten und ihren gleichzeitigen Betrieb erleichtern.

48. It aims at further Assuring that the criteria for approving the training centres "guarantee their professionality"

49. The۞Androgynes aims at being a community where people can expand their horizons & their expectations from Life

50. It aims at electrifying 40 million additional households by December 2018 at an investment of US$ 2.5 billion.