air cargo shipment in Germany

air cargo shipment [ɛərkɑːgouʃipmənt] Luftfrachtsendung

Sentence patterns related to "air cargo shipment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "air cargo shipment" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "air cargo shipment", or refer to the context using the word "air cargo shipment" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. APPENDIX F – AIR CARGO REPORT (Import, In-Transit, Freight Remaining on Board (FROB), and Split Shipment)

2. Breakbulk Cargo From yachts to planes, from tractors to helicopters, each Breakbulk cargo shipment presents its own unique challenges

3. Foreign Secretary: What was agreed to was use of waterways for shipment of cargo.

4. 22 Inspecting and checking the delivery cargo before transact with shipment forwarders & express companies.

5. Leaving no evidence of the illicit cargo to incriminate those who had arranged the shipment.

6. Previously, EVA Air Cargo operations mainly relied on passenger aircraft cargo space.

7. Flushing — addition of air to the cargo

8. Cargo noun load, goods, contents, shipment, freight, merchandise, baggage, ware, consignment, tonnage, lading The boat calls at the main port to load its Cargo of bananas

9. Checking, following and supervising whole process of importation in air port of each air shipment.

10. What methods of screening are used for air cargo and air mail?

Welche Kontrollmethoden werden für Luftfracht und Luftpost angewendet?

11. A lighter-than-air, variable-buoyancy cargo ship.

12. Delivery of cargo by air, land or sea

Frachttransporte auf dem Luft-, Land- oder Seeweg

13. Berth no. 7 is a shallow drafted berth meant for shipment of coastal cargo (now given to Adani).

14. How is the air cargo/air mail conveyed to the ACC3 or RA3?

Wie wird die Luftfracht/Luftpost zum ACC3/RA3 transportiert?

15. Air cargo loading problem by backtrack algorithm is solved.

16. Its cargo arm, EVA Air Cargo, links with the Evergreen worldwide shipping network on sea and land.

17. Click on the Track Shipment button and our system will automatically retrieve and display the current status of your Cargo.

18. Refrigeration and heated air units for providing heated or cooled air to a cargo container

Kälteerzeuger/Lufterhitzer zur Bereitstellung von warmer oder kalter Luft für einen Frachtcontainer

19. Name and title of person responsible for third country air cargo or air mail security

Name und Funktion der für die Sicherheit von Drittland-Luftfracht oder -Luftpost verantwortlichen Person

20. Air Cargo transferred between aircraft that never leaves the airport rather than Cargo destined for the local market

21. • 2008-A-295 — Lift of suspension - Gemini Air Cargo, Inc.

22. Mediterranean Air Freight is a cargo airline based in Athens, Greece.

23. CATSA does not have responsibility for screening air cargo or airmail.

24. The cargo manifest of the Japanese submarine I-29 lists a single V-1 fuselage as being included in a shipment of equipment.

25. Do staff that accept, screen or protect air cargo or air mail receive specific job-related training?

Erhält das Personal, das Luftfracht/Luftpost annimmt, kontrolliert und/oder schützt, eine aufgabenspezifische Schulung?