air freight space in Germany

air freight space [ɛərfreitspeis] Luftfrachtraum

Sentence patterns related to "air freight space"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "air freight space" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "air freight space", or refer to the context using the word "air freight space" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Freight air transport services

Güterbeförderungsleistungen in der Luftfahrt

2. Air transportation services for freight



4. International air freight shipping services

Internationaler Luftfrachttransport

5. Couriers. We have couriers to transport by air freight, sea freight and land freight.

100% kostenlose Mitfahrgelegenheit für Personen und Dinge.

6. Transport of freight by air

Transport von Frachten über den Luftweg

7. Request for delivery by air freight.

8. subsidies for air freight or airmail;

Beihilfen für den Lufttransport (Luftfracht oder Luftpostsack),

9. to send goods by air freight.

10. Freight brokerage and transport brokerage, in particular relating to air freight and transport

Frachtmaklerdienstleistungen und Dienstleistungen eines Transportmaklers, insbesondere für Lufttransporte

11. In addition, freight space is not guaranteed, given the shortage of south-bound freight carriers.

12. They also allow freight operators to offer vehicle space.

13. Packages must be sent by air mail or air freight.

Die Sendungen sind per Luftpost oder Luftfracht zu verschicken.

14. Freight forwarding services, including but not limited to, air and sea freight forwarding services

Speditionsdienstleitungen, einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt auf Luft- und Seefrachttransporte

15. Experiences in air freight, ocean freight and 3 PL logistics solution will be a plus .

16. Freight transportation by air, ship, truck and train

Beförderung von Fracht auf dem Luftweg, per Schiff, Lastkraftwagen und Eisenbahn

17. Air freight carriers are expanding their operational capacities

Die Luftfrachtunternehmen erweitern derzeit ihre Betriebskapazitäten

18. Non-scheduled air transport services of other freight

Sonstige Güterbeförderungsleistungen im Gelegenheitsflugverkehr

19. We can send it by air/sea freight.

20. With the development of air freight, the reform of air clearance is necessary.

21. Air freight is growing faster than air passenger traffic, using dedicated transport aircraft

Der Luftfrachtsektor, in dem spezielle Transportflugzeuge verwendet werden, wächst stärker als der Personenluftverkehr

22. 18 We can send it by air/sea freight.

23. 1 France derives 16% of revenue from air freight.

24. You can freight your belongings by air or sea.

25. (d)Communications including ground-to-ground/space, air-to-ground and air-to-air/space communications.

(d)Kommunikation, einschließlich Boden-Boden/Weltraum, Luft-Boden und Luft-Luft/Weltraum,