age bracket in Germany

age bracket [eidʒbrækit] Altersgruppe

Sentence patterns related to "age bracket"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "age bracket" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "age bracket", or refer to the context using the word "age bracket" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Only people in the age - bracket 20 - 30 need apply.

2. Are you willing to build friendships with those outside your age bracket?

3. Individuals in the same age bracket or of the same ethnic background may naturally be attracted to one another.

4. Among other adventure sports, Abseiling captures a wider age bracket as compared to climbing, canyoning, mountaineering or white river rafting to

5. In Germany the Allensbacher Institut für Demoskopie learned that only 19 percent of Germans in the 18 to 29 age bracket claimed that they give their best at work irrespective of remuneration.