agency business in Germany

agency business [eidʒənsiːbiznəs] Agenturgeschäft

Sentence patterns related to "agency business"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "agency business" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "agency business", or refer to the context using the word "agency business" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Agency business plans are rarely aligned and duplication is common.

Die Tätigkeitspläne der Agenturen und Stellen sind selten aufeinander abgestimmt, Doppelarbeit ist weit verbreitet.

2. We are in the hotel business, in the travel agency business.

3. We are in the hotel business, in the travel agency business

4. is a new kind of Illustration agency business, based in Manhattan.

5. The revenue actually earned from agency business is therefore lower than the abovementioned [...]

Der tatsächliche Umsatz aus der Vertretergeschäft ist daher geringer als die genannten [...]

6. The revenue actually earned from agency business is therefore lower than the abovementioned [...] %.

Der tatsächliche Umsatz aus der Vertretergeschäft ist daher geringer als die genannten [...] %.

7. The court had heard Mrs Fitchew's travel agency business had failed and her home was about to be repossessed.

8. In all, 70% of agency business was carried out at the applicant’s registered office in Austria and 30% abroad.

Die Vermittlungstätigkeit soll so zu 70 % am Sitz der Klägerin in Österreich und zu 30 % im Ausland entfaltet worden sein.

9. Centralization follows the Delaware Enterprise Information Technology Centralization Playbook process of Executive Branch agency assessments of IT assets, people working in IT job class positions, and IT processes that support agency business