age-limit in Germany

age-limit [eidʒlimit] Altersgrenze

Sentence patterns related to "age-limit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "age-limit" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "age-limit", or refer to the context using the word "age-limit" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. After all, # is the age limit

Man darf bis # immatrikuliert werden

2. There's no age limit on addiction.

3. This age limit varies by state.

4. What is the age limit for inflatable Bouncers? The age limit for an inflatable bouncer usually depends on its size

5. There is no age limit of the participants.

Es gibt keine Altersbeschränkung für die Teilnehmer.

6. There is no upper or lower age limit.

7. In most regions the lower age limit was 25.

8. There is no age limit for deducting EI premiums.

9. In other Member States, the age limit is 65.

In anderen Mitgliedstaaten liegt sie bei 65 Jahren.

10. Since the summer of 2001, the age limit is 17.

11. That season age limit in fact was born 1986 or after.

12. The age limit for acquiring basic education is 7-17 years.

13. 28 The age limit for militia cadres may be handled flexibly.

14. 14 There is an upper age limit for becoming a pilot.

15. There will, however, be an absolute age limit of six years.

Wobei aber eine absolute Altersgrenze von sechs Jahren zu beachten sein wird.

16. The upper age limit is 65; clients then move to senior’s benefits.

17. (Officials – Open competition – Non-admission to test – Notice of competition – Age limit)

„Öffentlicher Dienst – Allgemeines Auswahlverfahren – Nichtzulassung zu den Prüfungen – Ausschreibung des Auswahlverfahrens – Höchstalter“

18. The age limit (65 for man or 60 and women) is lowered accordingly.

19. She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected.

20. We have decided to waive the age - limit for applicants in your case.

21. Previously, the age limit for both erotic and pornographic works was 18 years.

22. · provides psycho-social and material assistance for the entire population with no age limit;

23. The age limit for full-time early retirement has been raised to 58 years.

24. Budget reasons are also given as a further argument for keeping the age limit.

Als weiteres Argument für die Beibehaltung der Altersgrenze werden Haushaltsgründe angeführt.

25. Typical maturities are ten, fifteen or twenty years up to a certain age limit.

26. Nevertheless, the Bible sets no age limit on showing honor and respect to one’s parents.

27. Age Limit: Be able to complete the full four-year-mandate before reaching retirement age.

Altersbeschränkung: Die Bewerber müssen das volle vierjährige Mandat vor Erreichen des Ruhestandsalters ableisten können.

28. There is a clear link between the age limit and the need of active ageing.

In den meisten Mitgliedstaaten beträgt das Rentenalter 65 Jahre. In der Realität ist das jedoch eher die Ausnahme.

29. The Committee recommends that the State party consider raising the existing age limit from # to

30. Age limit for applicants is between 18 and 70 years as on 1 January 2016.

31. There is no absolute age limit beyond which it is impossible to learn another language.

32. The abovementioned minimum age limit shall be lower in the case of a longer panel duration.

Bei einer längeren Paneldauer ist die oben genannte Altersgrenze niedriger.

33. Age limit: Be able to complete the full five-year-mandate before reaching the retirement age.

Altersbeschränkung: Die Bewerber müssen das volle fünfjährige Mandat vor Erreichen des Ruhestandsalters ableisten können.

34. The new age-limit is capable of promoting access for young lawyers to the justice service.

Die neue Altersgrenze ist geeignet, den Zugang jüngerer Juristen zum Justizdienst zu fördern.

35. Children/young people are allowed to stay in dance halls/ ballrooms (there is no age limit).

Informationen über öffentliche Versorgung und andere Dienstleistungen finden Sie ebenfalls bei VisitBritain.

36. • Age limit for availing OD facility to be revised from 18-60 years to 18-65 years.

37. Rather, a tendency of both up- and downgrading the upper age limit of youth can be observed.

38. I suggest that we adopt this age limit and say that all minors must absolutely be protected.

Ich schlage vor, dieses Alter beizubehalten. Jede minderjährige Person muß auf jeden Fall geschützt werden.

39. The age limit for KIP participants was revised from 18 to 26 years to 18 to 30 years.

40. Words and sentiments like these confirm the fact that true Christian love knows no boundary or age limit.

41. The upper age limit for airline pilots pursuing their profession in France is reportedly 60 years of age.

In Frankreich ist die obere Altersgrenze für die Ausübung des Pilotenberufs in der Luftverkehrsbranche auf 60 Jahre festgesetzt.

42. It is interesting to reflect on the far - reaching effects of raising the age - limit for this examination .

43. The age limit of 21 has also been altered to the age of majority in the receiving state.

44. Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16, living in England and have no upper age limit

45. (1 Corinthians 7:14) However, no age limit is given in the Bible as to when this dependency period ends.

46. “Sarah herself received power to conceive seed, even when she was past the age limit, since she esteemed him faithful who had promised.”

47. In exceptional cases, Member States may allow the admission of a third-country national, as an au pair, who is above the maximum age limit;

In Ausnahmefällen können die Mitgliedstaaten auch Drittstaatsangehörige als Au-pair-Kräfte zulassen, die das Höchstalter überschreiten;

48. The upper age limit does not apply to autologous donations, as the donor is referred by a physician who has determined the donor's suitability to donate.

49. Our mission is to encourage kids’ natural curiosity and wonder using science and history…but there’s no age limit on curiosity and episodes of Brains On can be

50. It was “by faith [that] Sarah herself received power to conceive seed, even when she was past the age limit, since she esteemed him faithful who had promised.”