advertisement rating in Germany

advertisement rating [ədvəːtisməntreitiŋ] Wirksamkeitskontrolle bei Anzeige

Sentence patterns related to "advertisement rating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advertisement rating" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advertisement rating", or refer to the context using the word "advertisement rating" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Advertisement synonyms, Advertisement pronunciation, Advertisement translation, English dictionary definition of Advertisement

2. An advertisement.

3. On the basis of said advertisement slot information, the advertisement distribution unit (31) sets an advertisement schedule.

4. Divide Advertisement into syllables: ad-ver-tise-ment Stressed syllable in Advertisement: ad-ver-tise-ment How to say Advertisement: How to pronounce Advertisement

5. Columns (advertisement-)


6. Each advertisement may be associated with an advertisement header or auxiliary file specifying parameters of the advertisement.

7. Advertisement slot allocation

8. Arethusas 0 rating rating ratings

9. Chittering Fire Rating Fire Rating

10. Aquilege 0 rating rating ratings

11. Bdelliums 0 rating rating ratings

12. Anhedonias 0 rating rating ratings

13. Arbutuses 0 rating rating ratings

14. Aplasias 0 rating rating ratings

15. The present invention relates to an advertisement management device and method which determine an advertisement exhaustion problem in an advertisement platform by monitoring an advertisement exhaustion rate, so as to notify a user of the occurrence of the problem, and allocate advertisement costs according to the advertisement exhaustion rate so as to control advertisement scheduling.

16. Advertisement slot configuration

17. Determining advertisement effectiveness

18. an endorsed rating, the registered credit rating agency that endorsed the rating,

eines übernommenen Ratings, die registrierte Ratingagentur, die das Rating übernommen hat,

19. An Advert is an Advertisement: just shorten Advertisement, and you get Advert

20. Broeker? (Select a rating) OFFICE LOCATION RATING

21. Artar? (Select a rating) OFFICE LOCATION RATING

22. Advertisement hoardings (rental of -)

Vermietung von Plakatwänden für Werbezwecke

23. Championship form guide: advertisement

24. Advertisement projector device and method for bidding to advertise with the advertisement projector device

25. Advertisement, namely advertisement by mean of throwing apparatus to throw balls or spherical objects

Werbung, nämlich Werbung mittels Wurfapparaten zum Werfen von Bällen oder kugelförmigen Gegenständen