advertising budget in Germany

advertising budget [ædvətaiziŋbʌdʒət] Werbebudget, Werbeetat

Sentence patterns related to "advertising budget"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advertising budget" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advertising budget", or refer to the context using the word "advertising budget" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Love's advertising budget surpassed $7 million.

2. • advertising budget for measures to be promoted;

3. Method for optimizing allocation of an advertising budget

4. Dave, you've got to consider raising your advertising budget.

Dave, du solltest das Werbebudget erhöhen.

5. Google Ads can work for almost any Advertising budget

6. We're also gonna double down on the advertising budget.

Wir verdoppeln den Werbeetat.

7. Use viewability information to optimize your digital advertising budget.

Anhand der Informationen zur Sichtbarkeit können Sie Ihr Budget für digitale Werbung optimieren.

8. Then, no advertising budget, no distributor's gonna wanna touch it.

9. The company's advertising budget has been increasing steadily year after year.

10. Well, talk is good considering the size of my advertising budget.

11. Learn how to set up and manage your daily advertising budget.

12. UBC's advertising budget is also considerably larger than that of its competitors.

Die Werbeausgaben von U.B.C. sind übrigens sehr viel höher als bei den meisten ihrer Konkurrenten.

13. As you can tell, we are over our advertising budget for the month.

14. It goes way beyond any responsible advertising budget based on percent of sales.

15. Pepsi Cola's overall advertising budget in the United Kingdom had been falling since 1993.

Der Gesamtwerbeetat von Pepsi Cola International war im Vereinigten Königreich seit 1993 rückläufig.

16. You can even allocate more of your advertising budget to one of your ads if you want to highlight that aspect of your business.

17. Britain’s Health Education Council is greatly concerned, but what can it do on an advertising budget of £1.5 million compared with the tobacco industry’s £100 million?

18. If you're working with a monthly advertising budget, calculate your daily budget by dividing your monthly budget by 30.4 – the average number of days per month.

19. Depending on which networks you target, you'll need to monitor and manage your bids to make sure that you’re getting the most from your daily advertising budget.