advertising costs in Germany

advertising costs [ædvətaiziŋkɔsts] Werbekosten, Werbungskoste

Sentence patterns related to "advertising costs"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advertising costs" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advertising costs", or refer to the context using the word "advertising costs" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. We need to cut our advertising costs.

2. Promotional credits can only be applied to future advertising costs.

3. Your Smart campaigns' budget helps you keep your advertising costs under control.

4. Note: You can control your monthly advertising costs through your budget setting.

Hinweis: Sie können Ihre monatlichen Werbekosten über die Budgeteinstellungen steuern.

5. These include costs such as commissions, surveyors’ fees, transfer taxes, and advertising costs.

6. Monthly invoicing: Google provides you a line of credit for your advertising costs.

7. The tracking of Advertising costs towards $50 begins after you've entered the code

8. In order to pay for your advertising costs, you need a payments profile.

9. Let's suppose that you have accrued €300 of advertising costs in the month.

10. "for differences in overheads and general expenses, including research and development or advertising costs".

"bei Unterschieden bezueglich der Gemeinkosten, einschließlich der Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten, sowie der Kosten für Werbung".

11. This appropriation also covers advertising costs for the resale and scrapping of inventoried items

Diese Mittel decken außerdem die Kosten für Annoncen betreffend den Weiterverkauf oder die Verschrottung ausgesonderter Güter

12. These types of expenses include finder's fees, commissions, broker's fees, legal fees, and advertising costs.

13. The linked selling costs Budget shows planned salesforce and advertising costs; while the distribution costs

14. You should select the currency that you want to use to pay your advertising costs.

15. In those circumstances, the advertising costs referred to above cannot in any event constitute proof

16. A payment setting in which you pay for your advertising costs before your ads run.

17. - in the meeting of editorial costs (taking of copies, dubbing and subtitling), promotion and advertising costs.

- Ausgaben im Zusammenhang mit der Ausgabe (Herstellung von Kopien, Synchronisierung und Untertitelung), dem Marketing und der Werbung.

18. However, you'll be billed for any unpaid advertising costs that accrued before your ads stopped running.

19. I understand the advertising costs and I accept the costs and I am willing to pay them.

Ich habe die Kosten gelesen, bin damit einverstanden und werde diese bezahlen.

20. They are an absolute necessity for reducing postage and advertising costs and receiving more favorable postage rates.

Man erkennt sie oft erst, wenn Ware, Korrespondenz oder Mailings als unzustellbar zurückkommen, sich die Retourenrate erhöht oder die Bestellquote sinkt.

21. Your charge covers both your advertising costs as well as any unpaid costs from previous billing cycles.

Ihre Abrechnung umfasst die aktuellen Werbekosten sowie noch nicht gezahlte Beträge aus vorherigen Abrechnungszeiträumen.

22. Let's say that you have a billing threshold of £500, and you've accrued £400 in advertising costs.

23. However, the invoice price might vary in certain regions where advertising costs and other fees are included.

24. For example, you can specify the wholesale cost of the product before tax, shipping, and advertising costs:

Beispiel: Sie können die Großhandelskosten des Produkts vor Steuern, Transport- und Kosten für Werbung angeben:

25. VAT is calculated based on the value of your accrued advertising costs, such as clicks or impressions.

26. Taxes are added to advertising costs and displayed in the Transaction history and on the monthly invoice.

Steuern werden zu den Werbekosten hinzugerechnet und im Transaktionsverlauf angezeigt sowie auf der monatlichen Rechnung ausgewiesen.

27. In addition, the applicant failed to demonstrate that the very small amount of advertising costs had affected prices.

Der Antragsteller wies auch nicht nach, dass die - geringfügigen - Werbekosten die Preise beeinflusst hatten.

28. Using this setting, you first accrue advertising costs, then have those costs automatically charged to your primary payment method.

29. As your ads run, we pay VAT every month based on the advertising costs that you've accrued that month.

30. If you use the automatic payment setting, then we'll automatically charge your bank account after you've accrued advertising costs.

31. Even after you've cancelled your account, you can sign into Google Ads and check whether you have unpaid advertising costs:

32. When you make an LGU+ payment, we automatically deduct 10% VAT from your payment to use against your anticipated advertising costs.

33. The outstanding €100 of accrued advertising costs will roll over into the next billing cycle and be shown in your next month's documents.

34. Let's suppose that you have accrued €300 of advertising costs in the month and that you have been charged €200 at your automatic billing threshold.

35. If you have a Google Ads account on monthly invoicing and are using the KRW currency, we'll charge you 10% VAT based on your monthly advertising costs.

36. If your business generates leads, the cost of goods sold is just your advertising costs, and your revenue is the amount you make on a typical lead.

37. If you've set up your account on the automatic payments setting and registered a credit card, you'll be charged after your ads run and you accrue advertising costs.

38. If your total advertising costs are greater than your payment threshold (the amount that triggers a charge), the extra costs will be added to your outstanding balance for the next charge.

39. If you have a credit from a promotional offer or any other type of credit adjustment, then VAT will first be automatically applied to the advertising costs paid for by the credit.

40. On the next month’s invoice, the additional €100 of advertising costs (over the €200 billing threshold) will appear and be applied against the €200 manual payment, leaving €100 in credit on the account.

41. For physical products, the cost of goods sold is equal to the manufacturing cost of all the items you sold plus your advertising costs, and your revenue is how much you made from selling those products.

42. The budget-priced companies claim the price differences are in the packaging and marketing, whereas the major cosmetic companies cite research and development for new products, more variety in shades and colors, and greater advertising costs as the reasons for their bigger price tags.

43. 120 The applicant produced an affidavit before EUIPO introducing the ‘adidas brand’ or ‘3-Stripes Mark’ and containing, for all 28 EU Member States, figures concerning the turnover of the undertaking run by the applicant and the amount of marketing and advertising costs incurred by that undertaking.