address input in Germany

address input [ədresinput] Adresseneingabe

Sentence patterns related to "address input"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "address input" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "address input", or refer to the context using the word "address input" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. During the address phase, an address latch receives address signals from the multiplexed bus at a first input and an address enable signal at a second inputs.

2. I was able to override the dialling sequence and input an alternate address

3. When there is no input for a virtual address in an address mapping table, a page fault ($i(Fp)) is generated.

4. The bits in the input address result in a predetermined location in the data structure.

5. The input selector is connected to an address decoder (18) for a look-up table (LUT) (20).

6. An array is a memory block of n data (bytes), as a pointer has only one input, an address.

Ein Array ist ein Speicherblock von n Daten (in Bytes), als Zeiger nur ein Eingang, eine Adresse hat.

7. An input data unit from the plurality of interleaved data units is then written to the block at the address.

8. Methods and apparatus relating to improving address translation caching and/or input/output (I/O) cache performance in virtualized environments are described.

9. Input bytes

10. Setup bluetooth input device. # Remove configuration of remote input device. # Connect or disconnect bluetooth input device

11. Cost of actual input in comparison with planned input.

Tatsächliche Input-Kosten im Vergleich zu den geplanten Input-Kosten.

12. Aided LANUAGE INPUT: WHAT AND HOW? Aided language input

13. The input cells are activated only by sensory input.

14. The character input method improves the character input speed and accuracy.

15. Header input data

Eingabedaten der Kopfzeile

16. Each full adder has an addend input, an augend input, a carry input, a sum output, and a carry output.

17. To call a library programme, the vector number (0...n) is input, from which the MMU determines the corresponding address in the vector storage region.

Ein Aufruf eines Bibliotheksprogramms erfolgt durch Angabe der Vektornummer (0...n), aus der von der MMU die entsprechende Adresse im Vektor-Speicherbereich ermittelt wird.

18. Character input keyboard

19. Analog input box

Analoge Eingangsboxen

20. Get all current and previous owners and their address history, phone numbers, relatives, associates, email Addresses & more all for free! We're very easy to use, just input an address and results will come back almost instantly

21. Text Input Box dialog

22. Programmable input range adc

23. Input AC power requirements

Anforderungen an den Eingangs-Wechselstrom

24. The input impedance is high since the input is connected directly to the Comparator…

25. In the time domain, the object Convolves the first input with the second input.