address list in Germany

address list [ədreslist] Adressliste

Sentence patterns related to "address list"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "address list" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "address list", or refer to the context using the word "address list" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. DNS address & list

2. Please remove me/my organization from the IIAV address list.

3. Some settings only apply address list matching to received mail (Spam, Blocked senders).

4. There are two methods used to determine if the address list is matched.

Es gibt zwei Methoden für den Abgleich mit einer Adressenliste.

5. Creating and maintaining the Master Street Address List and Master Street Addressing Guide

6. Sometimes, Gmail considers an address a match even if it’s not in an address list.

Manchmal werden Adressen in Gmail als Übereinstimmung eingestuft, obwohl sie nicht in einer Adressenliste enthalten sind.

7. By default, sender authentication is turned on for any new entries on an address list.

8. Sender authentication is turned on by default for any new entries on an address list.

9. Her assignment was to handle the mailing and to maintain the constantly changing address list.

10. Use the Search feature to locate one or more addresses in a lengthy address list.

11. Note: For some Gmail settings, you need to click Show options to display the address list.

12. Use View all mode to see the entire contents of an address list in one table.

Im Modus "Alle anzeigen" wird der gesamte Inhalt einer Adressenliste in einer Tabelle dargestellt.

13. Shared Contacts corresponds to a Global Address List (GAL) in Microsoft Active Directory and other directory servers.

"Freigegebene Kontakte" entspricht der globalen Adressliste (GAL) in Microsoft Active Directory und anderen Verzeichnisdiensten.

14. Because of this, a sender is only considered to match your address list if their mail is authenticated.

Daher gilt ein Absender nur dann als Übereinstimmung mit Ihrer Adressenliste, wenn seine E-Mail authentifiziert ist.

15. Note: You must create a domain or address list to enforce TLS compliance for any inbound or outbound messages.

16. Note: To determine if the address list is matched, G Suite considers the "from" sender for received mail and the recipients for sent mail.

17. You can control the scope of a Gmail setting by using it in conjunction with an address list of specific email addresses or domains.

18. You can’t edit the address list in View all mode, but you can copy and paste the contents to another program, such as a spreadsheet or text editor.