live off in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "live off"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "live off" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "live off", or refer to the context using the word "live off" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. We live off Main Street.

2. Doctors live off the other three quarters.”

3. He seems to live off junk food.

4. 23 He seems to live off junk food.

5. You only sleep and live off your family.

6. The students live off campus during this time.

7. Most people in the countryside live off the land .

8. More than 000 people live off coal around here.

9. I live off the money from my first book.

10. It's difficult for her to live off her home.

11. " Before I die, I want to live off the grid. "

12. Mom used to live off the interest from her savings.

13. "Before I die, I want to live off the grid."

14. I don't know how she manages to live off her painting.

15. Jason: Mike, animals who live off human toes are not peppy .

16. He does not do any honest work and live off others.

17. Dad lost his job and we had to live off welfare.

18. They wanted to have a simple life and live off the land.

19. I would rather die eating cheeseburgers than live off of steamed cauliflower.

20. He only agreed to marry her so he could live off her .

21. It's very fertile countryside where you can just live off the land.

22. An estimated 000 of the marine mammals live off the California coast.

23. For the rest, the archipelago could and did live off its own resources.

24. It may be a Victorian attitude, but we live off income, not capital.

25. If you had half a million dollars you could easily live off the interest.

26. I'd live off my wits even though I've geared myself to be a footballer.

27. Most of the 300,000 people live off the land and no one has gone hungry.

28. This is an amazing solution for Kenya, where 70 percent of people live off the grid.

29. Settle down and live off the back catalogue: I don't know, I don't think I'd just stop.

30. It did not occur to him to propose to Emily and assume that he could live off his wife.

31. For elderly who live off less than $ 000, the government would pay a portion of the drug coverage fees.

32. A “Breatharian” mum-and-dad of two claim to have barely eaten for nine years, alleging they live off “the universe’s energy”

33. Oz’s producers on 15 February, clarifying that Barramundi is a carnivorous species by nature, but can live off of a largely vegetarian diet

34. So, whether humans eat vegetation or the animals that live off it, they are actually being powered indirectly by energy from the sun!

35. Correspondingly, more and more students who live off-campus go wrong easily and dilapidate their study. And many crimes are thus committed by them.

36. However, given that Dutch eel farms live off alevins and glass eels caught in the coastal lakes of the Mediterranean, we have cause for concern.

37. A “Breatharian” mom and dad of two have barely eaten for nine years as they live off “the universe’s energy.” Husband and wife Akahi Ricardo and …

38. They do not farm to get food, instead live off the land, taking "the lowest-hanging fruit".1 Bill Chambers and Thomas Kyangu were examples of Combers

39. Countable noun If you call someone a Bloodsucker, you disapprove of them because you think they do not do anything worthwhile but live off the efforts of other people.

40. The Bourgeoisie, or bourgeois, is a social and economic class that owns capital such that they can partially or completely live off the labor of others, namely the proletariat or working class

41. A few select species of Catfish even like to eat things like wood and algae, while still more are parasitic and live off the blood of other fish, frogs, rodents and even aquatic birds.

42. The Master Cleanse (made famous by Beyonce) claims a person can live off of nothing but six to 12 glasses of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water over the course of 10 days—and drop 20 pounds the process.

43. Come de los platos de los demás she eats other people's food; no todos podemos Comer de lo que cultivamos not all of us can live off what we grow ourselves los niños Comen de todo los vegetarianos se negarian a Comer de estas cosas alegando que no eran naturales luchan contra las multinacionales, pero Comen de las multinacionales los muchos