liver pâté in Czech

játrová paštika

Sentence patterns related to "liver pâté"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "liver pâté" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "liver pâté", or refer to the context using the word "liver pâté" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Treatment methods are dredging liver, warming liver, nourishing liver, clearing liver, tranquilizing liver.

2. S9 liver fractions: supernatant of liver homogenate after 9000g centrifugation, i.e. raw liver extract

3. The coat may be of solid liver or a combination of liver and white such as liver and white ticked, liver patched and white ticked, or liver roan.

4. Portal vein Arterialization during liver transplantation, liver resection, or liver cirrhosis increases portal blood flow and blood pressure as well as oxygenation of the liver tissue

5. 19 One can flush the liver with a liver cleanse.

6. These tests should be termed liver Chemistries or liver tests

7. Adenomas of the liver Liver cell adenoma is a common and benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the liver

8. They invade his liver, sending dead liver cells coursing through his system.

9. Treatment of acute liver failure, if it occurs, is with liver transplantation.

10. Cartilage, spleen, liver.

11. If you drink, you damage your liver, and then liver cancer occurs.

12. Abnormal tests of liver function, elevated AST and/or ALT liver enzymes

13. Just the liver?

14. Liver disease, including steatosis (fatty liver), Alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma

15. A liver transplant may be required if damage to the liver becomes severe.

16. Albumin is made in the liver and is sensitive to liver damage.

17. To different alcoholic liver cirrhosis ( ALC ) from liver cirrhosis ( LC ) by observing ultrasonography.

18. Hepatitis, abnormal liver function

19. You do liver transplants?

20. She's rejecting the liver.

21. rare: liver function abnormal

22. This may lead to severe liver damage and even death by acute liver failure.

23. The cat liver, however, is poor at metabolizing fat, causing a buildup of fat in the cells of the liver, leading to fatty liver.

24. Well, liver cancer's fast.

25. He's getting a liver.