live up to in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "live up to"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "live up to" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "live up to", or refer to the context using the word "live up to" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Bat rays live up to 23 years.

2. Aardvarks can live up to 23 years old

3. They made claims they couln't live up to.

4. Some aardvarks can live up to ten years.

5. The event did not live up to expectations.

6. Did the TV play live up to your expectations?

7. A crossbow which can live up to its name!

8. Oh, may we ever live up to our name!

9. But, it was a lot to live up to.

10. He failed to live up to his parents' expectations.

11. He could never live up to his father's exacting standards.

12. The movie failed to live up to all the hype.

13. Congeners (Latin for “born together”) live up to their name

14. He finds it hard to live up to his ideals.

15. Eel-tailed catfish may live up to about 8 years.

16. He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.

17. • “My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations”

18. 5 He could never live up to his father's exacting standards.

19. We will live up to what our Patty expects of us.

20. The film version does not live up to the original novel.

21. She found it hard to live up to his high ideals.

22. They live up to 2–3 years, similar to European anchovy.

23. Bugbears reach adulthood at age 16 and live up to 80 years

24. I try to live up to the high standard of the school.

25. One ought to live up to what he knows to be right.

26. The players failed to live up to their coach's expectations of them.

27. Ready to try whatever it takes To live up to his name

28. The service at Heron Lodge failed to live up to its reputation .

29. 21 The service at Heron Lodge failed to live up to its reputation .

30. Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the expectations of the Company.

31. As a bowler at Middlesex, Tuffers has a great tradition to live up to.

32. She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.

33. If progress in Africa is not accelerated, we will not live up to our responsibility.

34. 1 It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. 

35. Some experts are concerned that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.

36. Baobab tree is a long living tree, it can live up to 1000 of years.

37. Unfortunately, Ward, I won't be able to live up to my part of the deal.

38. Cheaper Than Dirt! is America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, and we live up to that title

39. You can live up to your dedication by doing your best and relying on God’s spirit.

40. A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency,[sentencedict .com] and justice.

41. His wife was so clever that he felt that he could never live up to her.

42. Agoutis can live up to 17 years and usually give birth to one to four offspring

43. PAthogen was highly anticipated and I really wondered how could it live up to its predecessor

44. Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to the stereotype of the ideal man.

45. The Bittersweets—Chris Meyers (guitar, keyboards, vocals) and Hannah Prater (vocals, guitar)—live up to their name

46. So when the Batfish was launched in 1943, she was expected to live up to her name

47. The balanced budget amendment forces Washington to live up to its responsibilities and address budget issues honestly.

48. Satisfactory but not superior; passable: The restaurant was Acceptable but did not live up to its reputation

49. He thought I was perfect, he had me on a pedestal that I couldn't possibly live up to!

50. As it was, they suffered because they endeavored to live up to their role as followers of Christ.