favour in Czech

favour <v.> preferovat Entry edited by: B2 favour <n.> obliba Entry edited by: B2 oblíbit si Entry edited by: B2 favour <n.> laskavost Entry edited by: B2 favour <n.> náklonnost Entry edited by: B2 favour <n.> popularita Entry edited by: B2 favour <n.> vlídnost Entry edited by: B2 přízeň Entry edited by: B2 privilegium Entry edited by: B2 služba Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "favour"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "favour" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "favour", or refer to the context using the word "favour" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Unmerited favour, the favour of God shown to the undeserving.

2. Vanity keep persons in favour with themselves who id out of favour with all others.

3. Can I ask a favour?

4. She bought favour with flattery.

5. Might I beseech that favour?

6. May fortune favour the foolish.

7. You owe me a favour!

8. Vanity keeps persons in favour with themselves who are out of favour with all others.

9. Consumer behaviour is helpfully shifting in favour of more responsible money - management, and in favour charge cards.

10. I am most assuredly in favour.

11. Circumstances are weighted in his favour.

12. This predetermined me in his favour.

13. I entreat this favour of you.

14. Football bounds into favour once again.

15. Please favour [ enlighten ] me with your instructions.

16. 12 The tribunal ruled in her favour.

17. Fountain pens have come back in favour.

18. Voto Afirmativo vote in favour, vote for

19. Hey man, you're doing me a favour.

20. May I ask a favour of you?

21. He did it as a special favour.

22. I have one other favour to ask.

23. I must beg a favour of you.

24. May I request a favour of you?

25. Cheques should be written in favour of Oxfam.

26. He soon won the favour of his boss.

27. Public opinion is shifting in favour of change.

28. roll-call vote (in favour, against, abstentions)

29. May I entreat a favour of you ?

30. Dr. Porsche's unorthodox designs gathered little favour.

31. Can I beg a favour of you?

32. 27 He did it as a special favour.

33. I have a favour to ask of you.

34. Out of power, he is out of favour.

35. We are unequivocally in favour of the changes.

36. May I entreat a little favour of you?

37. They favour our program with a large contribution.

38. They argued in favour of legalizing voluntary euthanasia .

39. She renounced Islam for / in favour of Christianity.

40. 2 He argued in favour of capital punishment.

41. The Hereford Diocese has also voted in favour.

42. The rule in favour of Adjudgers eventually prevails

43. Consequently, surgical approaches declined in favour of radiation.

44. The golf tournament went in the Americans' favour .

45. He wrote a splendid polemic in my favour.

46. He is out of favour with the boss.

47. All five states saw a majority vote in favour.

48. The judge ruled against / in favour of the plaintiff.

49. 26 Public opinion is shifting in favour of change.

50. The committee has pronounced in favour of the merger.