favouring in Czech

favouring <n.> upřednostňování Entry edited by: B2 favouring favorizující Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "favouring"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "favouring" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "favouring", or refer to the context using the word "favouring" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Depreciating yen once again was a factor favouring the Japanese .

2. Synonyms for Advantaging include helping, benefiting, benefitting, favoring, favouring, serving, aiding, assisting, availing and profiting

3. Mercury had been a long-time fan of opera, especially favouring Montserrat Caballé.

4. Aristocratic (comparative more Aristocratic, superlative most Aristocratic) Of, pertaining to, or favouring, an aristocracy An Aristocratic constitution

5. Through its binding to tubulin, Acetaldehyde decreases the polymerization of microtubules thereby impairing protein secretion and favouring th …

6. Synonyms for Benefiting include aiding, assisting, advancing, improving, promoting, advantaging, bettering, contributing to, favoring and favouring

7. 8 The Government came under fire yesterday for favouring elitist arts groups in the South-east.

8. The Anteriority of the French patent was not recognised by the American courts, US legislation favouring national inventors

9. Synonyms for Appreciating include caring, worrying, bothering, favoring, enjoying, minding, concerning oneself with, concerning yourself, favouring and getting worked up

10. Agrarian reforms are sometimes regarded as affirmative action policies as well when favouring indigenous populations in Latin America or landless and small farmers.

11. That's true enough, and one of the things that makes Elgar's music so interesting is that he combined the influences of Brahms and Wagner at a time when those composers were thought to represent two opposing camps (some musicians were "Brahmsian" -- favouring traditional symphonic structure, absolute music, counterpoint, etc; others were "Wagnerian," favouring programmatic music, and

12. Relating to the favouring and promotion of the incorporation and mixing of different groups in society the 'Assimilationist' writings of colonial poets who copied European models of …

13. Many 20th-century governments of Belarus had policies favouring the Russian language, and, as a result, Russian is more widely used in education and public life than Belarusian

14. Results suggested that pH values around 4.5 and low temperatures would diminish alunite and felsobanyaite dissolution, favouring their preservation and decreasing the release of Al to the environment.

15. Synonyms for Cozying up include curry favouring with, curry favoring with, ingratiating yourself, insinuating, making overtures, pandering, worming your way in, getting in with, curry favoring and currying favour

16. Curle is renowned for favouring the 3-5-2 formation: so much so, Carlisle fans re-invented a Peter Andre song dedicated to their boss during his time at Brunton Park

17. "Distance downstream from Cornwall" was determined to be the strongest variable influencing the structure of epilithic diatom assemblages, likely due to the effect of tides (favouring aerophilic species) closer to the river outlet.

18. ‘Americans may sometimes find the prose a bit daunting, the occasional Anglicism, misplaced modifier, and passive voice requiring a thorough rereading.’ 1.1 mass noun The quality of being typically English or of favouring English things.

19. Atticism (plural Atticisms) The style and idiom of Attic, the Ancient Greek Athenian dialect; A well-turned phrase; a concise manner of speech or expression A favouring of, or attachment to Attica and the Athenians; Related terms

20. In the light of our results, pedological conditions are important, negatively affecting the plants either “directly” — limiting deep rooting and preventing the trees to achieve sufficient anchorage in the ground — and “indirectly” — favouring the spread and the virulence ofH. annosum.

21. The ß-adrenolytic agent prindolol (10−7 moles/kg), which inhibited the increase of dp/dtmax evoked by isoprenaline as well as by noradrenaline did not influence the positive inotropic effect of phenylephrine, thus favouring the view that there exist myocardial α-adrenoceptors in the ventricle of the cat.

22. Furthermore, the hydrostatic pressure determines peripheral vasoconstriction with a reduction of the plasma and the interstitial liquids of the extremities and compression of the abdominal organs, favouring the venous reflux due both to the rising of the diaphragm and to the squeezing effect of the vessels in the peripheral bloodstream.

23. The Confidentiality was agreed to protect the interests and welfare of the student.: More than 60 potential buyers have signed Confidentiality agreements and 37 have received information packs.: The public interest in preserving the Confidentiality is balanced against other public interests favouring disclosure.: An attorney's duty of Confidentiality is, perhaps, the most jealously guarded of

24. Atticism (meaning "favouring Attica", the region of Athens in Greece) was a rhetorical movement that began in the first quarter of the 1st century BC; it may also refer to the wordings and phrasings typical of this movement, in contrast with various contemporary forms of Koine Greek (both literary and vulgar), which continued to evolve in directions guided by the common usages of Hellenistic

25. Atticism (meaning "favouring Attica", the region of Athens in Greece) was a rhetorical movement that began in the first quarter of the 1st century BC; it may also refer to the wordings and phrasings typical of this movement, in contrast with various contemporary forms of Koine Greek (both literary and vulgar), which continued to evolve in directions guided by the common usages of Hellenistic

26. The allegations concern the withholding of capacity with a view to raising electricity prices and deterrence of investment in generation by third parties on the German electricity wholesale market and favouring of affiliated companies and passing on the costs to the final consumer on the German balancing market as well as preventing power producers form other Member States from selling balancing energy into the E.ON balancing markets

27. The allegations concern the withholding of capacity with a view to raising electricity prices and deterrence of investment in generation by third parties on the German electricity wholesale market and favouring of affiliated companies and passing on the costs to the final consumer on the German balancing market as well as preventing power producers form other Member States from selling balancing energy into the E.ON balancing markets.

28. Said baffle (40) is applied to at least one of said one or more blades (30) and it is formed of a disk (41) supplied with a plurality of through openings (42) suitable for favouring, during the rotation of said blades (30), the passing of the descending flow (60) of liquid during the purification, and of the ascending flow (70) of aeriform substance dispersed in said liquid, in order to favour the stabilization of the turbulent motion of the liquid itself in correspondence with said blades (30).

29. Even though a move in that direction appears attractive, in so far as it would be beneficial to the victim, it must be observed that, within the general scheme of the Convention, the concern to preclude the forum actoris and consequently - since it is so easy to change one' s domicile - "forum shopping" is much further to the fore than the idea of favouring the victim . ( 55 ) Moreover, the judgment in Mines de potasse d' Alsace is based essentially on the requirements of the sound administration of justice .

30. We conclude (1) there is evidence for estrogen production in early pregnancy (day 50), favouring E1; (2) E1 predominates over E2 in the fetal as well as maternal compartment, although its concentration in amniotic and allantoic fluid is substantially less than E1S; (3) parturition is preceeded by rising concentrations of E1 and E2 in AF as well as in maternal and fetal plasma; and (4) this increase probably reflects rising fetoplacental production and may indicate increasing estrogen availability to the fetal membranes, uterine and fetal tissues around the time of birth.