favoured in Czech

favoured preferovaný Entry edited by: B2 favoured upřednostňovaný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "favoured"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "favoured" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "favoured", or refer to the context using the word "favoured" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Textile workers favoured protection.

2. Rain favoured his escape.

3. Your Majesty has favoured Felicity.

4. She favoured the direct approach.

5. The December weather favoured our voyage.

6. She was favoured with great intelligence.

7. Later Protestantism favoured liberty of conscience.

8. The wind favoured their sailing at dawn.

9. My parents always favoured my older brother.

10. Backsawing may be favoured for different reasons

11. 15 Liberal opinion strongly favoured its reversal.

12. He favoured private companies undertaking this work .

13. He favoured Henri Konan Bédié as his successor.

14. Everyone said that the child favoured his father.

15. Thus making it favoured for the Caroleans to win.

16. At close range, Braves favoured edged weapons such as knives

17. A similar poll last year showed 52 percent favoured retention.

18. He favoured some individuals at the expense of others.

19. They organized an evening's entertainment for favoured customers.

20. Silva is favoured to win a medal in the marathon.

21. Their house is in a very favoured position near the park.

22. Yet, the corporate tax structure has favoured capital intensive production.

23. Her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership candidate.

24. Those of Venice were particularly favoured in this way.

25. She always felt that her parents favoured her brother.

26. The vast majority of Danzig's population favoured eventual return to Germany.

27. During the English Civil War Manchester strongly favoured the Parliamentary interest.

28. All those who favoured the connection with Britain were aghast.

29. Some favoured dahlia(sentence dictionary), others preferred the bright geranium.

30. BG: No national treatment and most favoured nation treatment obligations for logging activities.

31. The results of the vote were surprising - 80% of workers favoured strike action.

32. But the ministers favoured a more gradual approach, entailing unanimity at each stage.

33. 70 synonyms for Blessed: endowed, supplied, granted, favoured, lucky, fortunate, furnished, bestowed

34. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.

35. Their new Social Democratic Party favoured multilateral disarmament as opposed to unilateral nuclear disarmament.

36. At upper ankle joint, suture of ruptured fibular collateral ligaments should be favoured.

37. For young farmers the accepted rate was 45 % (55 % in less-favoured areas).

38. Bessarabia is a favoured area for agriculture, chiefly for cereals, fruit, and wine.

39. A drunken youth would not return a tape that the RIT students favoured.

40. It is true that some powerful people, notably Winston Churchill, favoured military intervention.

41. Their sparring for position of least-favoured son gave me pause for thought.

42. Love and the driver favoured the company with a brief Chanty running

43. Any compensatory adjustments shall be made on a most-favoured-nation basis.

44. Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth.

45. I've no idea what is happening - David has not favoured me with an explanation.

46. Synonyms for Backed include supported, approved, assisted, endorsed, favoured, favored, advocated, aided, bankrolled and bolstered

47. UNMIS insisted on having the overall responsibility, while UNDP favoured a more collegial management style.

48. Enter, then, one expects, the lodging agreement in lieu of the previously favoured licence agreement.

49. Agiel are the favoured weapons and instruments of torture of the Mord-Sith

50. 4 The Praga became a favoured haunt for upwardly mobile apparatchiks, visiting VIPs and wedding parties.