discovers in Czech

discovers <v.> objevuje Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "discovers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discovers" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discovers", or refer to the context using the word "discovers" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. When Li discovers this, she is jealous.

2. 5 Prosperity discovers vices and adversity virtues. 

3. Apriori discovers patterns with frequency above the minimum support threshold.

4. Jenny nevertheless discovers her ailment after confronting her doctor about it.

5. 1618 – Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion.

6. She discovers that Okina went to fight Aoshi, and leaves immediately.

7. 6 When tidewater retire when, ability discovers who is naked swim.

8. Eragon eventually discovers that the Vault is on Vroengard Island.

9. 1931 Harold Urey discovers deuterium by fractionally distilling liquid hydrogen.

10. Filippo Pacini, an Italian anatomist, discovers Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera.

11. 1938 Otto Hahn discovers the process of nuclear fission in uranium and thorium.

12. Mi-ryung discovers Soon-shin's potential and takes her under her wing.

13. His this ability discovers, entered between personal fluster oneself so female lavatory.

14. It's just a matter of time before the FBI discovers my passport connection.

15. The next morning, Susan discovers that De Luca's office has burned down.

16. 27 She escapes and later discovers that her attacker is a suspected serial killer.

17. Kirzner believed that entrepreneurs act as Arbitragist, discovers opportunities, have entrepreneurial "alertness"

18. He also discovers several experimental Augmentations that were installed in him without his knowledge

19. As she climbs up the stairwell she suddenly discovers long-forgotten leg muscles!

20. Deep in the woods, the group discovers a yellow tent that Sara recognizes as Jess'.

21. A favorite with locals of all ages and means, anyone who discovers the Brewhouse becomes family.

22. When one partner discovers that the other is Cheating, there are heart-wrenching emotional effects

23. Sen discovers paper shikigami attacking a Japanese dragon and recognizes the dragon as Haku transformed.

24. A man secretly Blackmails his wife and her lover when he discovers the affair.

25. Optocore Redundant Autorouter automatically discovers mobile devices and adds them to the Optocore loop

26. Yeah, at the end, he discovers he's adopted, he's reunited with his birth mom.

27. Once discovers has the breakdown, must remove immediately, avoid has the accident, causes the nonessential losses.

28. 24 On patrol, game warden Jay Little Hawk discovers the bodies of a herd of mutilated deer.

29. When Aykroyd discovers what his employers have done for a one-dollar wager, he seeks revenge.

30. But once across, the team discovers that, yet again, the locusts are nowhere to be seen.

31. A Courier in London discovers that one of the packages she's transporting is a bomb.

32. A fourth discovers the trunk and insists that the elephant is like a large snake.

33. Any computer user soon discovers that sometimes hardware, and more often software, is extremely fallible.

34. Riderhood becomes a lock-keeper at Plashwater Weir and discovers Headstone's attempt to murder Wrayburn.

35. Finding himself in Necros' floating battleship, Drake discovers Necros' forces docked at a massacred, Legion-occupied Citadel.

36. The daemon or the service monitor aggregates such problem reports and discovers the causes of service degradations.

37. Although search engine to change without the bilk that discovers you, your competitor may inform against you.

38. Yamaxun discovers next, can bale these disengaged resource many clients that sell oneself, this formed cloud calculative rudiment.

39. In this whimsical tale, he makes friends with a Brachiosaurus and discovers how this dinosaur differs from all others

40. Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index.

41. 🔊 When the police chief discovers his officers let the criminal escape, he is sure to Castigate them

42. DMRAID discovers, activates, deactivates and displays properties of software RAID sets (ATARAID, for example) and contained DOS partitions.

43. The misunderstanding causes disaster when the mounted tom-cat discovers that the kitten is too small for mating.

44. It's about a woman who is forced to relive her past when she discovers her long-lost brother.

45. It was exactly the sort of truth one discovers by turning a corner and colliding with a stranger.

46. So Binky decides to do some undercover investigating and discovers a shocking truth about the family guest

47. As she suffers the constrictions of a traditional culture in transition, she also discovers her answering voice.

48. The software connects to commercial, proprietary and public data sets and discovers trends, relationships and anomalies, including predictive analytics.

49. A 'stink spirit' arrives as Sen's first customer, and she discovers he is the spirit of a polluted river.

50. Sciorra plays a Colorado astronomer who discovers that an approaching comet has dislodged several asteroids, propelling them toward Earth.