discovered in Czech

discovered <v.> objevil Entry edited by: B2 discovered objevený Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "discovered"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discovered" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discovered", or refer to the context using the word "discovered" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Discovered!

2. Barbadiana Discovered Treasures

3. Cometary Activity Discovered on

4. The recently discovered ossuary

5. Who discovered the Bladderwort?

6. It was the first Betain discovered, although many other Betains have been discovered since then

7. You've discovered my alter ego.

8. This problem was quickly discovered.

9. I hadn't discovered roulette then.

10. Antivenine Antidote Discovered by Prof

11. William Roentgen discovered X - rays.

12. We discovered him quite untrustworthy.

13. Ambulocetus was discovered in 1994

14. Neptune was discovered in 18

15. When discovered, police say Belak …

16. That's what we have discovered.

17. He discovered the painting perchance.

18. The newly discovered Cordillera Azul Antbird

19. He discovered unexpected reserves of strength.

20. 6 He discovered an unusual meteorite.

21. Aurignacian ivory beads were also discovered

22. Our manager discovered a nascent talent.

23. Bad news - - he discovered riverboat gambling.

24. The explorers discovered an inward passage.

25. Recently they have discovered a comet.

26. Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896

27. Here's another new angelfish we discovered.

28. Finally, the third generation was discovered.

29. We soon discovered we'd been mistaken.

30. She discovered the problem by accident.

31. Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy.

32. Who discovered the Law of Gravitation?

33. _Esophageal actinomycosis_ has been Autoptically discovered.

34. He discovered the secret of alchemy.

35. The Japanese could have discovered Monterey.

36. The information was only discovered incidentally.

37. They discovered a new pulsar wake.

38. Abzymes are accidentally discovered in lupus patients

39. Post-Mortem stab wounds were also discovered. "

40. Failed pesticide discovered by a mistake in

41. She discovered jazz quite late in life.

42. Chagrin discovered this in Afghanistan in 19

43. I discovered I was hypersensitive to caffeine.

44. The element Berkelium was discovered in 1949.

45. They accidentally discovered these signals being sent

46. I love Alter Bridge and discovered Deepfall

47. The cavers discovered a vast underground chamber.

48. We discovered a mutual interest in drama.

49. In the 20th century, Pluto was discovered.

50. She discovered her worth through divine principles.