discriminates in Czech

discriminates <v.> diskriminuje Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "discriminates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discriminates" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discriminates", or refer to the context using the word "discriminates" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The present law discriminates unfairly against women.

2. A Colorist is an individual who discriminates based in skin tone

3. One test governs state legislation that discriminates against interstate commerce.

4. It is iniquitous that higher education still discriminates against state school children.

5. The Agency finds that the above user fee structure discriminates among classes of commercial operators.

6. The first scene of the subplot also opposes and discriminates its protagonists.

7. Key difference: The main difference between racist and Bigot is that fact that racism discriminates on the basis of race, whereas a Bigot discriminates on the basis of his personal opinion, which can include race, gender, religion or beliefs

8. The research team has generated a framework for analysing argumentative talk which discriminates between types of argumentation.

9. Although one of the most progressive Muslim nations in the world, Malaysia has a Shariah system that discriminates against Muslim women in family and inheritance matters.

10. Interracial Colorism is when a member of one racial group discriminates based on the skin color of a member belonging to a different racial group, and

11. We used, for the first time, the SIMPROF test, a method that objectively discriminates significant groups resulting from agglomerative clustering methods, to study geographic variation in bird song.

12. On the basic connotations of delegacy , it sets forth the definition and properties of it, and discriminates the operation enforcement right which is more easy confused with the delegacy .

13. Conclusions: Despite their limited life expectancy, the use of CAC discriminates mortality risk in the elderly. Furthermore, the use of CAC allows physicians to reclassify risk in the elderly.

14. Attention must be given, from the specific angle of proportionality, to the question of whether there is any justification for the derogation introduced into the United Kingdom system which, for the purposes of tax exemption, discriminates between money transactions and barter transactions.

15. Although article 65 of the DPRK Constitution states that “all citizens enjoy equal rights in all spheres,” the government routinely discriminates against children and their parents based on their political views, family background and the actions by other family members, and social origins.

16. That the Nigeria’s President and National Assembly not approve the “Same Gender Marriage Bill” and eliminate all existing legislation that discriminates based on gender and sexual orientation (Canada); Take measures to recognize and protect the rights of sexual and gender minorities and that the law prohibiting same-sex marriages be abrogated (Finland);

17. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein was called Operation Iraqi Freedom for a reason : the American - led occupation forces must not become midwife for an anti - democratic legal system that disallows freedom of religion , executes adulterers , oppresses women , and discriminates against non - Muslims . Acquiescing to the Sharia discourages moderates while encouraging the Wahhabi and Khomeinist extremists in Iraq .

18. The Tribunal determines that the unpredictability of the point rating scheme and the lack of direction to evaluators, resulting in increased subjectivity in evaluations, favour the previous contract holder simply because of its past participation in the same procurement, discriminates against other potential bidders and is, therefore, a violation of paragraph 1(a) of Article 1008 of NAFTA and Article 506(6) of the AIT.