alterspyramide in English

Alterspyramide [altrspyːramiːdə]nsf age pyramid

Sentence patterns related to "alterspyramide"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alterspyramide" from the Germany - English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alterspyramide", or refer to the context using the word "alterspyramide" in the Germany - English Dictionary.

1. Vielleicht, weil ich zur Spitze der Alterspyramide gehöre.

2. Den Schätzungen der Kommission zufolge drohen die demografischen Veränderungen, die Bevölkerungsstruktur und die Alterspyramide tiefgreifend zu verändern.

According to the Commission's estimates, demographic changes are in danger of profoundly altering population structure and age groups.

3. (SK) Demografische Änderungen führen zu einer allmählichen und grundlegenden Änderung der Struktur der Bevölkerung und der Alterspyramide.

(SK) Demographic changes gradually and fundamentally alter the structure of the population and the age pyramid.