趾高气扬 in Vietnamese

  • {astrut}
    - {be inflated with pride}
    - {be on one's high horse}
    - {be puffed up with pride}
    - {come it over}
    - {high and mighty}
    - {in high snuff}
    - {lift up one's horn}
    - {mount the high horse}
    - {ride the high horse}

Sentence patterns related to "趾高气扬"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "趾高气扬" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "趾高气扬", or refer to the context using the word "趾高气扬" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 人对自己“看得合乎中道”,就不会趾高气扬、自以为是。

2. 他看见不敬神的人趾高气扬,凶狠残暴,但看来却不用受罚。

Ông thấy những kẻ không tin kính bạo tàn, ngang ngược nhưng vẫn an nhiên vô sự.

3. 有的趾高气扬,摆出一副大恩人的模样;有的小气吝啬,十分勉强。

4. 然而,这样的知识只会叫人“气焰嚣张”,趾高气扬,并不会“建立”友爱的基督徒关系。(

5. 同样,在今天这个虚荣心重的世界里,越来越多运动员趾高气扬地只将注意引到自己和自己的成就之上。

6. 18他就这样向他们宣讲,诱走很多人的心,使他们在邪恶中趾高气扬,是的,引诱很多女人和男人奸淫—告诉他们,人死了,什么都结束了。

7. 亚哈王因为拿伯不肯把祖传的葡萄园卖给他而闷闷不乐,肆无忌惮的耶洗别知道后,竟罔顾丈夫的领导权,趾高气扬地说:“我必把耶斯列人拿伯的葡萄园给你。”(