说不清 in Vietnamese

  • {have no means of telling}

Sentence patterns related to "说不清"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "说不清" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "说不清", or refer to the context using the word "说不清" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 他们跟美国边境和墨西哥边境的边防 建立了说不清道不明的关系 这点令人吃惊

Họ có mối quan hệ sản xuất chặt chẽ phi thường với những tổ chức an ninh ở cả hai phía biên giới.

2. 就算“东盟+3”计划逐步提高直至取消20%这个上限,那也是未来说不清哪一天的事情。

3. 一个陌生人向你跑来, 情绪激动—— 你说不清楚那表情是 害怕、还是威胁、还是愤怒—— 反正那人手里拿着的好象是手枪 你还不能确定。

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