布里格 in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "布里格"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "布里格" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "布里格", or refer to the context using the word "布里格" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 除了船長與7名船員以外,還搭載了2名乘客:船長的妻子莎拉·布里格斯(Sarah E. Briggs)與2歲的女兒蘇菲亞·布里格斯(Sophia Briggs),一共有10個人。

2. 根据《希伯来语-英语词典》(布朗、德赖弗、布里格斯三氏合编),经文里译作“起来”的希伯来词语是指“死后活过来”的意思。

3. 根据《旧约希伯来语英语词典》(1980,337-338页)(布朗、德赖弗、布里格斯合编),“哈内弗”作形容词时可指“亵渎,没有宗教信仰......无神的”,作动词时指“玷污,亵渎......偏离正道”。

4. 旧约希伯来语英语词典》,布朗、德赖弗、布里格斯合编,1980,1077页)与此类似,英语Indiamen本来指从英国开往印度通商的大船,后来泛指这种类型的船,不管船从哪里出发,驶向哪里。