帅的 in Vietnamese

  • {natty} , đẹp, chải chuốt; đỏm dáng, duyên dáng, khéo tay

Sentence patterns related to "帅的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "帅的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "帅的", or refer to the context using the word "帅的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. “有个很帅的男孩来跟我调情,说的都是他自己的事。

“Anh chàng bảnh trai đó bắt đầu tán tỉnh mình và ba hoa đủ điều.

2. 西方战线总司令格尔德·冯·伦德施泰特元帅的恩尼格玛密码于3月底成功破译。

3. 箴言27:20)在物质挂帅的社会里,人很易自甘堕落,用不正当的手段赚取金钱,参与有问题的商业活动或追求不切实际的发财捷径。“

4. 后来,在耶利哥附近,一个天使以元帅的身份向约书亚显现,告诉他耶利哥的城门虽因以色列人而紧闭,但只要采取什么步骤就能攻下这城。