墨镜 in Vietnamese

  • {dark glasses} , kính mát, kính râm
    - {sunshades}

Sentence patterns related to "墨镜"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "墨镜" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "墨镜", or refer to the context using the word "墨镜" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我买了墨镜,我得带上 隐形眼镜之后才能戴墨镜

Tôi có kính râm, thứ mà tôi phải dùng kính áp tròng mới thấy đường mà mặc.

2. 你 的 墨镜 就是 我 的 了

Quá non tay.

3. 平时总是戴着墨镜,和降矢三兄弟一样,瘦瘦高高眉目清秀。

4. 这是本《大众工作间》,一本当时很流行的科学杂志, 我收集了很多这样的三十年代的杂志 这些可怜的人,就像叫他们用晾衣架的铁丝来造墨镜一样 都是即兴创作 梦想着这些神奇的巨大的无线电机器人 以每小时300英里的时速玩儿着冰球 都会实现的,都会变得妙极了