体环 in Vietnamese

  • {annulus} , số nhiều annuli hay annuluses, (sinh học) vòng; vòng nẻ; vòng tuổi (vảy cá); đốt (giun đất), ngón nhẫ

Sentence patterns related to "体环"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "体环" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "体环", or refer to the context using the word "体环" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 政治团体“环境党”在练马区选区有1名正式候选人。

2. 从2005年到2007年间对昴宿增十二最新的光度和光谱观测表明恒星周围已形成一个新的赤道环,从而形成双气体环现象。

3. 根据第三次报告的第 # 段来看,显然,原则草案应该规定,根据具体环境,承担有限责任或排除责任,这不仅符合逻辑,而且是普遍接受的。