为…担保 in Vietnamese

  • {give bond for}
    - {go security for}
    - {in security for}
    - {stand security for}

Sentence patterns related to "为…担保"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "为…担保" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "为…担保", or refer to the context using the word "为…担保" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. B、C和D以其许可使用权和使用费为担保,从有担保债权人F处取得贷款额度。

2. 根据第二部法律,土地所有人为担保土地租金(包括土地上建筑物的租金)而设定的抵押权在土地面积超过8,000平方米或者作为农用地被出租后则终止。

3. 这类现代化的机制得以将出卖人和出租人的权利一齐纳入担保交易制度,从而便利以买受人或承租人的期待作为担保而提供融资,但与此同时,又能防止其他融资提供人直接竞争所购资产上排序最先的购置款融资担保权。