不言自明 in Vietnamese

  • {tell its own story}

Sentence patterns related to "不言自明"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不言自明" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不言自明", or refer to the context using the word "不言自明" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 神秘,那些不言自明的。我们往往想了解所有事

2. 这意味着所以 周期表中的某些部分 不言自明是利益禁地。

Điều đó có nghĩa là một số phần trong bảng tuần hoàn rõ ràng là nằm ngoài giới hạn.

3. 虽然一些紧急情况不言自明(例如威胁众多生命的自然灾害),但许多较小事件要求检查员(或受影响方)决定是否构成紧急情况。

4. 由此可见,认为以色列人灭尽迦南人一事跟《希腊语经卷》的精神格格不入这种看法是跟事实不相符的。 只要比较一下马太福音3:7-12;22:1-7;23:33;25:41-46;马可福音12:1-9;路加福音19:14,27;罗马书1:18-32;帖撒罗尼迦后书1:6-9;2:3和启示录19:11-21的经文,其中的道理不言自明