不言而喻 in Vietnamese

  • {It goes without saying that ...}
    - {It is understood that ...}
    - {speak for itself}
    - {tell its own tale}

Sentence patterns related to "不言而喻"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不言而喻" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不言而喻", or refer to the context using the word "不言而喻" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 举例来说,当时的学者认为天体都围绕地球运行——在他们看来,这是一个不言而喻的真理。《

2. 这话据称出自一位公元1世纪的罗马哲学家,当中道出了一个不言而喻的道理:没有目标,人生就不会有明确的方向。

3. 此外,不言而喻,如果法国当局收到另一国对查明遭受强迫失踪的父母的被拐子女的身份和下落提出的援助请求,法国当局一定会尽职尽责地做出回应。

4. 委员会建议缔约国加紧努力,确保儿童的最大利益这个一般原则在对儿童有影响的司法和行政决定、项目和方案及服务中不言而喻,适当的融入其中,得到贯彻,并一视同仁地适用于所有儿童。