khốn cực in English

@khốn cực
- (ít dùng) Utterly destitute

Sentence patterns related to "khốn cực"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "khốn cực" from the Vietnamese - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "khốn cực", or refer to the context using the word "khốn cực" in the Vietnamese - English.

1. Đường của kẻ phạm tội thì khốn cực.

The way of the treacherous, on the other hand, is rugged, or “hard.”

2. Con gái tôi mắc quỉ ám, khốn-cực lắm”.

My daughter is badly demonized.”

3. Sa-lô-môn nói: “Sự thông-sáng thật được ân-điển; song con đường kẻ phạm tội lấy làm khốn-cực thay”.

“Good insight itself gives favor,” says Solomon, “but the way of those dealing treacherously is rugged.”