Use "he" in a sentence

1. Mưa tầm tã giữa ngày nắng. He he he~

2. He swore to me that he wasn't lying.

3. He thought he was hazardous to my health—an opinion I rejected vehemently whenever he voiced it.

4. he

5. He could win the competition – he certainly has the capability.

6. He swore that he would not give up the fight.

7. It's really aggravating – he says he'll call, and then he doesn't.

8. He wouldn't ride on my motor bike – he was too frightened.

9. He wasn't smiling at first — his face was somber. But then his expression lightened as he looked me over, and he laughed.

10. At first he thought it was a fixed star, but once he noticed that it moved, he became convinced it was a planet, or as he called it,"a new star".

11. He spit out.

12. I think he must be a sea captain – he certainly looks the part

13. He sent me your address email / He sent ur address email to me

14. heli He 2

15. He still has one card up his sleeve – he knows the director.

16. Modern man thinks he loses something – time – when he does not do things quickly.

17. He seems aggressive but at bottom he is very kind and good – natured

18. I 'm not surprised he can' t remember what happened – he was blind drunk!

19. He is her fiancé.

20. he gave up gamble

21. Did he bring a map? Oh well, it doesn't matter anyhow – He know the way.

22. He is Tommy's protégé.

23. He is French – Canadian.

24. Amatolacypris Barbodes – cá he.

25. He swims in the sea in winter – he ought to have his head examined!

26. He would make a good politician – he could talk the hind legs off a donkey!

27. He had driven home drunk once too often – this time he got stopped by the police.

28. He only had one chance – this was live television – and he was absolutely rigid with fear.

29. He has a blasé manner.

30. He eats as a horse

31. He is a gas – bag.

32. He is an empire–builder.

33. Không, hắn không ho he.

34. That boy is too charming by half – he can get you to do anything he wants.

35. He hates the job – but he's determined to stick it out because he needs the money.

36. " He " mà vần với " dinner "?

37. He has a blasé attitude.

38. He knew he could be a successful businessman, but at a price – he'd hardly ever see his family.

39. Edward was furious when he discovered that he would be working with his old bête noire, Richard Watkins.

40. I 'm sure once he stops to think about how much he loves his fiancée, he'll calm down.

41. Yeah, well, Richard tội nghiệp, he....

42. He holds her in his arms

43. He 49a Mẫu thử đầu tiên.

44. He who knows nothing,  doubts nothing.

45. He can be a confidence–builder.

46. He is a well – bred child.

47. He is a would–be poet.

48. He had a three – day binge.

49. He swore that he'd come back.

50. Chả ai dám ho he đâu

51. He usually blows his own trumpet.

52. He was jilted by his fiancée.

53. she( he) broke up with me

54. He was clearly uncomfortable — excruciatingly so.

55. He has a bow – legged cowboy.

56. I think he's sweet on herhe always waits for her to finish work so he can work her home.

57. He;s into a girl at present

58. He has lunch in a transport café.

59. I haven't met John – what's he like?

60. He met me with a square refusal.

61. He's a rogue. He is very dishonest.

62. "That's Sam — he's nineteen," he informed me.

63. He is a slim, blue – eyed blonde.

64. We walked to class together ; he was a chatterer — he supplied most of the conversation, which made it easy for me.

65. "Will he go through hardships? He's still young."–"I believe he can. Why don' t we try trusting him one time?"

66. He met wash–out in his business.

67. He likes a café with live music.

68. Does he give us a go – ahead?

69. He looked absolutely free – unthinking and utterly irresponsible.

70. He was getting angry – and with some justification.

71. He sold the café as a going concern.

72. That guy – he just jumped off the cliff!

73. He 162S — diều lượn huấn luyện hai chỗ.

74. Run for it – he is got a gun!

75. In 1972, he was president of the National Urban League, a pro - business civil rights organization – a job he held for ten years.

76. I didn't recognize him – he was in disguise.

77. He can shove this job – I 've had enough!

78. He used to hit his wife back and blue

79. He thanked me – after a fashion – for my help.

80. He is a well – known broadcaster on religious affairs.