Use "zealous" in a sentence

1. Zealous, Not Aggressive

2. Zealous Preachers and Teachers

3. “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” Joyfully Assemble

4. Experiences That Encourage Zealous Activity

5. Go Forth as Zealous Harvest Workers!

6. God’s Word Prevails in Zealous Workers

7. The shop assistant is very zealous.

8. What a fine record of zealous activity!

9. Why are zealous teachers urgently needed today?

10. They were very zealous despite their isolation.

11. Zealous Activity Leads to Tests of Integrity

12. 15 min: Zealous, Though Advanced in Years.

13. A Vicious Persecutor Becomes a Zealous Witness

14. He is ticketed as a zealous reformer.

15. The vicious persecutor Saul becomes a zealous minister

16. She was a zealous worker for charitable bodies.

17. 1 He is ticketed as a zealous reformer.

18. She is a zealous supporter of our cause.

19. Parents, your zealous example resonates with your children

20. He is a zealous supporter of our cause.

21. She was most zealous in performing her duties.

22. 2 By his zealous preaching, Jesus honored Jehovah’s name.

23. The zealous efforts of the missionaries bore rich results.

24. “Be zealous for the service,” urged one circuit overseer.

25. Here, the conformity can be zealous or even excessive.

26. All this zealous activity in advancing Kingdom interests is commendable!

27. A good sense of humor greatly helped these zealous colporteurs!

28. THE apostle Paul was a zealous proclaimer of God’s Kingdom.

29. And the zealous park keeper taught the crane the steps.

30. There are 863 zealous preachers of God’s Kingdom in Senegal.

31. In Mé-Zochi, there was a congregation of 60 zealous publishers.

32. Such zealous activity is a factor in increases of many kinds.

33. Truly, Jehovah’s people are “zealous for fine works”! —Titus 2:14.

34. Thus, a Christian is to be energetic, zealous in good works.

35. The apostle Paul traveled extensively as a zealous first-century missionary.

36. 9 Something additional motivated Jesus to be zealous in his ministry.

37. Above all, by being a zealous preacher of the good news.

38. Elsewhere, the arguments may seem more rational but are equally zealous.

39. She became a zealous militant of the party that she finally chose.

40. Some superiors were more zealous than others to enforce the disciplinary code.

41. The Almoravids were a group of zealous Muslims, originating in southern Mauritania

42. What advice to Timothy is timely for all zealous young ministers today?

43. In carrying out this role, he was energetic, prompt, relentless, zealous, and courageous.

44. Only the most zealous supporters of Thatcherism were in favour of the tax.

45. 34:3) Hence, all four of those kings were zealous for fine works.

46. As many as I love, I rebuke chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

47. Now he was to be particularly zealous in the interests of the king.

48. It is divisive, puts a damper on zealous Christian works and limits communication.

49. Those that were before against K. James are now zealous in his Behalf.

50. (Acts 9:36-42) Prisca and Phoebe were also zealous for the truth.

51. A new breed of zealous, ideologically driven young political activists captured the Republican Party.

52. The theme of the convention’s third day was “A People Zealous for Fine Works.”

53. Some of the officers were more zealous than others in enforcing the disciplinary code.

54. As he was zealous to accomplish his mission, SlideIl fumed and protested the delay.

55. The representatives on earth of Zion, God’s heavenly organization, must awaken to zealous activity.

56. They are zealous pioneers, diligent students of the Bible, and effective speakers and teachers.

57. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten . Therefore be zealous and repent.

58. Bran was also a zealous patriot and served his country well as a warrior.

59. The second element of zealous works that attracts people to God is fine Christian conduct.

60. Arthur’s children were deeply affected by their father, who was quiet and dignified, yet zealous.

61. Where would the congregation be without their past zealous activity and, perhaps, current financial support?

62. Or will such a zealous embrace of fiscal retrenchment tip the economy back into recession?

63. 20 As many as I love I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore and repent.

64. 10 Being zealous in the ministry helps us to maintain our enthusiasm for the truth.

65. Not only did she write boldly about religious questions, she was a zealous evangelist.

66. Many white-collars are zealous " steal food " game also is come from just about hereat .

67. The activity of zealous Witnesses in that area has resulted in a number of Bible studies.

68. (Deuteronomy 16:15) This talk was followed by interviews with zealous preachers of the good news.

69. Those in positions of oversight among Jehovah’s people should be “like a fiery torch” —outstandingly zealous.

70. 1734, James Thomson, Liberty She [Britain] rears to freedom an undaunted race, / Compatriot, zealous, hospitable, kind.

71. 17 Timothy was another zealous individual who rendered an acceptable account of himself to Jehovah God.

72. Ardent definition is - characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity

73. Now he is a zealous baptized publisher, happy to worship Jehovah in that beautiful new Kingdom Hall!

74. All by voluntary contributions and services from the zealous steward class and their growing number of associates.

75. What I can not accept is the zealous, blind rush to condemn the parents of Jessica Dubroff.

76. Apostolates The SSPX also encourages and organizes groups of zealous men and women around specific apostolic goals

77. Amid all this unrest, however, Jehovah’s Witnesses gathered for peaceful three-day “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Conventions.

78. What enabled the first Christians to remain zealous even under persecution, and how should their example affect us?

79. Upon learning Jehovah’s requirements, they legalized their marriages, were baptized, and became zealous preachers along the Saramacca River.

80. It was the rainy season, and big lumps of mud stuck to the shoes of the zealous preachers.