Use "yearn" in a sentence

1. I just yearn towards lively life.

2. Many people yearn for inner peace.

3. Do you yearn for inner peace?

4. Do you not yearn for that time?

5. We all yearn for reconciliation, for catharsis.

6. What the city they yearn towards like?

7. Do you yourself not yearn to be there?

8. Do you yearn for an end to evil?

9. I yearn , while stooping, for my homeland more.

10. Do I yearn for an affluent life-style?

11. You yearn for some one to talk to.

12. Do we not yearn to feel the Savior’s embrace?

13. One wisp of smoke will not yearn for another.

14. To yearn or long: refugees who Ached for their homeland

15. Yearn to be surrounded by marble, priceless manuscripts and silence?

16. Husbands, too, can yearn for greater closeness and romance.

17. Do you yearn to see your loved ones again?

18. We yearn for a peaceful world and for prosperous communities.

19. Peddle sometimes pleasant , stop and yearn after solicitting many people.

20. Cacodaemons constantly hunger for mortal souls and yearn to create suffering

21. Former Assinuate when 37 yearn of age and in iHHt*

22. Will also have to to subdue policewoman to yearn for.

23. I yearn for the days before I grew so big.

24. I yearn for the love and affection I once had.

25. Indeed, we all yearn to be treated in a just, fair manner.

26. We yearn for the Rule of Law, for its regulation and value.

27. Cacodaemons constantly hunger for mortal souls and yearn to create suffering

28. Listen to In Silence We Yearn - Single by Brumous on Apple Music

29. Answer: Working-out autostage Columnates zootic diphase Cercyon kanephoros arrogations yearn Ubii

30. They will yearn for blood, and I shall give it to them.

31. My head and my heart do not yearn for airag this evening.

32. As long as you lack something, you yearn for it without cease.

33. Do you not yearn to use your fullest potential while avoiding perfectionism?

34. Many in developing nations yearn for the things that people in industrialized nations have.

35. (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; 1 Corinthians 7:39) Do we yearn for wealth?

36. Thereupon, there's fulcrum for life, poetry of life, anda boundless hope yearn towards.

37. Students studying for final examinations yearn for the Elysian idleness of the summer vacation.

38. Although a perfect antidote to those who yearn for a return of those days.

39. Although parents and children yearn to be close to one another, communication is sometimes difficult.

40. 29 The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!

41. Some who yearn for children adopt orphans, if they can afford to care for them.

42. Or possibly it is the death of a loved one that makes you yearn for comfort.

43. 16 The life most of the time, commitments equals to constrain, reluctantly we yearn for bound.

44. 12 The more the worms writhe,[] the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!

45. If you yearn to marry but are unable to because of economic difficulties, take courage!

46. Such faith and hope invite into our lives the sweet peace of conscience for which we all yearn.

47. Others may yearn for life on a more even keel but they do not feel entitled to it.

48. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them.

49. Those who benefit from the way the world is now arranged do not yearn for major transformations.

50. The Bowhead Reach can take you places you’ve never been, or to places you yearn to reach again.

51. The First World's miserly materialism is enough to make any honest seeker yearn for a new alternative or age.

52. Certainly, John and Heather would desire, yearn, and plead for healing with all of their might, mind, and strength.

53. We all yearn for what we have lost. But sometimes, we forget what we have. Mitch Albom 

54. If we could once achieve a synthesis Of the archaic and the entirely new ... We yearn for that reality in this.

55. (Revelation 21:4) Then, with conditions so much better, no one will have reason to yearn for “the good old days.”

56. 18 Similarly, in modern times, Jehovah’s Witnesses scour the earth in search of those who yearn to know and serve God.

57. If you yearn for a carpet of color on a bank or sloping area of your garden, plant some phlox subulate .

58. Now, in this dusty country of ours, what I yearn for is to hear the drip-drop of rain beating against leaves.

59. Life is a series of collisions with the future. It is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.

60. An economic recession — fallout from the coronavirus pandemic and depressed commodity prices — has prompted many Bolivians to yearn for the return of so-called “Evonomics,” …

61. First you yearn to earn. Then you learn that others will burn what you earn. Stop! Turn and spend before your end. RVM 

62. 26 Life is a series of collisions with the future. It is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.

63. Those who have had a taste of traveling, studying, interning, or volunteering Abroad come back to their home country only to yearn for that feeling of adventure once again

64. 26 Some people say that true lovers are one soul that is separated when it's born and those two halves will always yearn to find their way back together.

65. Google Plus looks most promising as an experts-only social network--say, for people who now find Facebook overgrown and yearn for a more private channel;for closer friends.

66. Those who yearn for “the good old days” may actually forget that those days were also filled with problems and troubles and that life was never truly ideal.

67. Today, I will look around & enjoy all the beautiful things that are around me rather than yearn for things that are beyond my control & become miserable. RVM 

68. The Alembic is for people who seek that which is unusual and provocative, yearn for places that inspire, embrace conversations that turn ordinary wisdom upside down, and feel the pull of hidden worlds

69. Through the reflection of three years' life behind jail , assuredly I feel the verity that I did yearn to seek for even a ghost of elegancy of affection , but ultimately corrupted .

70. Cacodaemon (Harvester Daemon) These embodiments of demented violence and spite are spawned from eddies of angry and warped souls amid Abaddon’s mists. Cacodaemons constantly hunger for mortal souls and yearn to create suffering.

71. The Distance Lyrics: Reluctantly Crouched at the starting line / Engines pumping and thumping in time / The green light flashes, the flags go up / Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup / They

72. Producing about 5000 cases per year, 1000 of which come into the U.S., Alfred Basely is a terrific find for those of us who love to drink good Champagne, but yearn for the prices of yesteryear…

73. 9 hours ago · Transit Some Yearn for Their Commutes After a Year of Working From Home Train and bus commuters miss the time for reading, podcasts or an escape from screaming children

74. (usually foll by to or after) to yearn (for) or have a powerful or ambitious plan, desire, or hope (to do or be something)to Aspire to be a great leader to rise to a great height Derived forms of Aspire Aspirer, noun aspiring, adjective

75. Words like a dart, red and dire, Eyne that Accoyed with their heat, O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma! Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design, Land and skies and seas yearn, Finish the cycle of eternal return, When thou pulledst this boy from …

76. Eyne that Accoyed with their heat, O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma! Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design, Land and skies and seas yearn, Finish the cycle of eternal return, When thou pulledst this boy from the sand, Didst thou see him bearded, with brand?

77. In truth, my Anglophilia is fundamentally bookish: I yearn for one of those country house libraries, lined on three walls with mahogany bookshelves, their serried splendor interrupted only by enough space to display, above the fireplace, a pair of crossed swords or sculling oars and perhaps a portrait of some great English worthy.

78. Eyne that Accoyed with their heat, O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma! Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design, Land and skies and seas yearn, Finish the cycle of eternal return, When thou pulledst this boy from the sand, Didst thou see him bearded, with brand? And within the coils of light, when our blades took flight-

79. Words like a dart, red and dire, Eyne that Accoyed with their heat, O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma! Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design, Land and skies and seas yearn, Finish the cycle of eternal return, When thou pulledst this boy from the sand, Didst thou see him bearded, with brand?

80. A iubi, îndrăgi, plăcea, ţine - be besotted with, be enamored of, be enamoured of, be head over heels in love with, be infatuated with, be in love with, be madly in love with, be sweet on, love, yearn for (en) - enjoy, love (en) - Admirator, admi­rator - adorabil, ado­ra­bil - admiraţie, admi­raţie - admirer (en) - …