Use "xinjiang" in a sentence

1. Consequently, Xinjiang is a major earthquake zone.

2. He planned to lead 60,000 troops from east China to Xinjiang province and construct a railroad as a barrier against Russian encroachment in Xinjiang.

3. China brands Championed as Xinjiang backlash grows 8 mins ago

4. Xinjiang is a famous ancient Silk Road of ancient ruins.

5. Xinjiang Country enjoys a long glorious history in the handicraft industry.

6. The paper defines Islam of Xinjiang starting with the concept of"enculturation", analyzes the process and the characteristics of the enculturation of Islam in Xinjiang.

7. Xinjiang prehistory age archaeology research work have got a lot of archaeological achievements.

8. Sales person : The lampshade is made of sheepskin from Xinjiang, sir.

9. In Xinjiang, trials and executions of Uighurs charged with separatism continued.

10. Aqike valley is the east extended area of Lop Nur, Xinjiang.

11. Ma Xiaoyi, incumbent Xinjiang miquan city Bureau of Education research audiovisual education center research.

12. Burberry Faces Backlashes and Sanction after Xinjiang Stance 17 mins ago CNC

13. Between 1970 and 1972 Zakir received "re-education through labor" in rural Xinjiang.

14. Xinjiang occupies one - sixth of China's landmass, with Tibet the second - largest province.

15. It is estimated that more than 60,000 people in Xinjiang are HIV-positive .

16. 26 At present the main business for the Xinjiang region Conch profile sales.

17. whereas the situation in Xinjiang, which is home to around 11 million Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs, has rapidly deteriorated in recent years, as absolute control of Xinjiang has been elevated to a top priority, while further challenges are posed by periodic terrorist attacks in or allegedly connected to Xinjiang, by Uyghurs;

18. As the CCP continues to fall from grace over mass Atrocities in Xinjiang, other …

19. Calls for Boycotts in China against Nike and H&M over Xinjiang cotton

20. In 1851, the Treaty of Kulja was established, and many Russian merchants swarmed into Xinjiang.

21. Meanwhile we conclud Xinjiang Finewool follicle cells are similar to Altay ovine wool follicle cells.

22. The wind energy resource characteristics at Dabancheng wind farm, Xinjiang region was presented in detail.

23. Does the Xinjiang A La Er City eleven agglomerate of three supervise the area telephone number?

24. China’s state media outlets call for boycott of H&M for Avoiding Xinjiang cotton

25. Current Xinjiang gross and structural sex contradiction interweave together, make employment pressure greater and greater.

26. Objective To analyze mitochondrial DNA polymorphism of district of Lubunour at the Bronze Age in Xinjiang.

27. Xinjiang was an important penal colony for 150 years after the Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.

28. 19 The violence last week in Xinjiang between Uighurs and Han Chinese underscores two nettlesome issues for China.

29. Today, Allicin Pharm is a Postdoctoral corporate site in Xinjiang Province, and we had got 17

30. Afanti stories which spread in Xinjiang, China have short and pithy form, charming and witty content.

31. 9 At present, the spread of Christianity in Xinjiang is in a unordered pervasion and rapid development.

32. He is a serious archeologist who has guided archeological excavations in Xinjiang for a long period of time.

33. The Torugart Pass, at 3,752 metres (12,310 ft), is located at the border between Kyrgyzstan and China's Xinjiang province.

34. 2 We are in Xinjiang flix factory cooperate under, trial - produce goat hair change is amphibious vamp change.

35. "One group of Indo-European speakers that makes an early appearance on the Xinjiang stage is the Saka (Ch.

36. Chose to hike in Xinjiang again, just because I wanted to go through my hundreds year foreordination in my heart.

37. The Soviet Union maintained a military base in Xinjiang and had several military and economic advisors deployed in the region.

38. In 1972, he served as the deputy commanding officer of Shenyang Military Region, then he was transferred to Xinjiang.

39. China marks 60th birthday of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: Chinese authorities on Monday celebrated the 60th founding anniversary of the …

40. Reports 453 contagious and epidemic cases of Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis among the residents in Shihezi Prefecture, Xinjiang, from May 1982 to May 19

41. Those Concerns range from China's aggression in the South and East China Seas to its economic practices to its human rights abuses in Xinjiang, …

42. "Highly Choreographed" tours to Xinjiang organized by the Chinese government are misleading and propagate false narratives about the troubled region, a U.S

43. The Han Chinese are the country 's dominant ethnic group ; the Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority who consider Xinjiang their homeland .

44. Plasma selenium, serum copper, zinc, T T and TSH were determined in endemic cretins from Qinghai and Xinjiang myxedematous type endemic cretinism areas.

45. Associated Press H&M, Nike, other clothing brands Boycotted in China over Xinjiang sanctions Last Updated: March 25, 2021 at 2:10 a.m

46. Meanwhile we deeply cooperate with Xinjiang Medical University, and also some famous Academician teams in China, which make Allicin Pharm become the leader of medical garlic products

47. The uplifting, right-lateral strike-slip shearing, tilting and southward shearing of the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang have affected, since Oligocene, the drainage systems evolution and development.

48. Must be “prepared to act, as well to impose costs, for what China is doing in Xinjiang, what it’s doing in Hong Kong, for the Bellicosity and threats it …

49. 20 Moreover, because of its control over Sheng Shi-tsai's regime, Xinjiang played a crucial role in the subsequent development of Sino-Soviet relationship and in Sino-Japanese war.

50. The state-run Xinhua news agency reported a heavy security presence Friday and helicopters hovering over Urumqi , the capital of China 's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region .

51. The Advisory highlights the risks for businesses with supply chain links to entities complicit in forced labor and other human rights abuses in Xinjiang and throughout China

52. Drone footage has emerged showing police leading hundreds of Blindfolded and shackled men from a train in what is believed to be a transfer of inmates in Xinjiang.

53. The objective of this study was the optimization of the extraction process for total polyphenols from the tree branch bark of Xinjiang black mulberry (Morus nigra L. ) by response surface methodology.

54. China uses Coercion and aggression to systematically erode autonomy in Hong Kong, undercut democracy in Taiwan, abuse human rights and Xinjiang and Tibet, and assert maritime claims in …

55. Aimed at the pile foundation in frozen soil of a high voltage transmission line project in Xinjiang Region, a laboratory tensile model test is carried out under artificial frozen condition.

56. 12 hours ago · H&M Battered With Criticism in China Over Xinjiang Forced-Labor Stance State media, social-media users and celebrity endorsers lambast fast …

57. The Karakhanid appanages were associated with four principal urban centers, Balasagun (then the capital of the Karakhanid state) in Zhetysu, Kashgar in Xinjiang, Uzgen in Fergana, and Samarkand in Transoxiana.

58. Until 1945 he had encouraged an ethnic insurgency in Eastern Xinjiang (with Stalin's support), looking to strengthening the MPR's influence in the region and possibly beyond to Gansu and Qinghai.

59. 1 day ago · The European Union announced this week it would be Blacklisting four Chinese officials and an entity allegedly responsible for human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang

60. On his part Ablet Adudureshit , governor of Xinjiang - the governor is always an Uyghur and the real power centre , the local Communist Party secretary , is always a Han - refuses to name numbers .

61. TORONTO (AP) — Canada’s House of Commons voted Monday to declare that China is committing genocide against more than 1 million Uighurs in the western Xinjiang region but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Cabinet Abstained from the vote

62. The Soviet Consul General Garegin Apresoff, General Ma Hushan, Ma Shaowu, Mahmud Sijan, the official leader of the Xinjiang province Huang Han-chang and Hoja-Niyaz were among the 435 alleged conspirators in the plot.

63. 2 days ago · China Boycotts Nike, H&M: West Baffled & Shocked News Topic 95: China forces brands to make a cotton choice Action against H&M and Nike shows intolerance of scrutiny over Xinjiang

64. Assiduousness Rohdichte construing of a greek author upravna mjera stateczny razni pojmovi dizel lene tormentum odrediti koga za izaslanika poulet au four trnci actual partner aufspulen uzbudljivo odvojeno Zhaosu (place in Xinjiang) Bitstrom nimmt errors yogore centralnie knowledge industries plante nickel-chromium steel abt advisory board

65. Mandarin is by far the largest of the seven or ten Chinese dialect groups, spoken by 70 percent of all Chinese speakers over a large geographical area, stretching from Yunnan in the southwest to Xinjiang in the northwest and Heilongjiang in the northeast.

66. Ablet Abdureshit (Uighur: ئابلەت ئابدۇرىشىت, romanized: Ablet Abdureshit; Chinese: 阿不来提·阿不都热西提; pinyin: Ābùláití Ābùdūrèxītí; born March 1942) was the chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China from 1993 to 2003

67. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued five Withhold Release Orders (WRO) today on products from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).The products subject to the WROs are produced with state-sponsored forced labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, where the Chinese government is engaged in systemic human rights abuses against the Uyghur people and …