Use "wto" in a sentence

1. Carolina Academic Press), WTO, (2000a) 'Improving the Functioning of the WTO System,' World Trade Organization:

2. Jurisprudence by WTO adjudicatory bodies

3. The WTO process remand mechanism.

4. The world desperately needs an effective WTO.

5. What's the difference between GATT and WTO?

6. We call on all WTO members to abide by WTO rules and honour their commitments in the multilateral trading system.

7. Are we ready to accede to WTO?

8. Fiji is a member of the WTO.

9. WTO members are currently working on the implications, if any, of the emergence of e-commerce for WTO-related Agreements.

10. WTO rules make it illegal for any WTO member to "frustrate" the intent of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that is the historic heart of the WTO treaty through "exchange action."

11. Of course, the WTO is not perfect.

12. But abolishing the WTO is not a solution.

13. Officially the mood at the WTO is upbeat.

14. The WTO organizes trade negotiations and settles trade disputes.

15. World Trade Organization - Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP)

16. The applicability of NAFTA, WTO-AGP, AIT, and CKTEA.

17. Members of the WTO can file complaints against anti-dumping measures.

18. The WTO insists these concerns are either exaggerated or fabricated.

19. Antigua and Barbuda ratified the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) in …

20. 1. Relationship with the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

21. Policy Dialogue on “The WTO Agreement on Agriculture – An Engine for Development?”

22. It is meddlesome that China joins WTO, but have adverse factor.

23. Despite so, China undertook enormous commitments in its accession to the WTO.

24. This article discusses the professional ethics of accountants after China's entering WTO.

25. Belligerence and identity are basic attributes and relations of the WTO system.

26. Policy Dialogue on “The WTO Agreement on Agriculture- An Engine for Development?”

27. Don't you listen? Discover, highest to WTO hurrah is Chinese common people.

28. WTO-AGP is a multilateral agreement to increase international competition for government procurement.

29. The necessity of carrying out engineering insurance after entering into WTO is discussed.

30. This measure will be phased out by 2018, following Russia's accession to the WTO.

31. In the WTO, we played an active role in bringing together almost irreconcilable positions.

32. ABI SAAB (Appellate Body of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body), replying to Mr.

33. Third, tariff cuts agreed in the WTO are with respect to tariff bindings.

34. To determine whether the WTO-AGP is applicable, the Agreement must be consulted.

35. Currently, NGOs enter into the judicial procedure of the WTO through"Amicus Curiae".

36. Admission to WTO would undoubtedly bring numerous benefits for the economy, trade and investment.

37. Situation: avoids killing those who answer concussion WTO place to advocate is commerce liberalize.


39. There is also room to negotiate new WTO agreements on e-commerce and digital services.

40. Subject: The Buy American clause in the US economic stimulus plan and WTO rules

41. 13 After entering WTO, our financial industry will be faced with a keener competition.

42. 2.3 Section 129 of the URAA is entitled "Administrative Action Following WTO Panel Reports".

43. Lastly it anatomies the reasons of the expansiveness of judicial activism in the WTO .

44. Admission to WTO would undoubtedly bring numerous benefits for the economy, trade and investment

45. Currently, a Market Access Advisory Group provides focussed discussion on WTO issues for trade negotiators.

46. His country was committed to funding a further phase of UNCTAD's WTO Accession Trust Fund

47. NDRC, 2003 , China's Accession to WTO: Challenges for Women in the Agricultural and Industrial Sector.

48. GATT dealing with trade in goods, WTO also covers trade in services and intellectual property.

49. WTO: Conference on implementing Tourism Satellite Accounts- Working experiences, Data Requirements, Application and Knowledge Transfer Spring

50. The WTO is the embodiment of the Uruguay Round results and the successor to the GATT.

51. It would also be desirable to accelerate the procedure for LDCs' accession to the WTO

52. Officials are expected to rubber-stamp the deal next month at a WTO ministerial meeting.

53. Entering WTO also would enlarge the extend quotient in international market, redound resource availability collocate.

54. Phase 3 shall begin upon a notification to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body to this effect.

55. Two rounds of WTO consultations were held but no amicable settlement to the dispute has yet resulted.

56. Also, UNCTAD, together with the International Trade Centre (ITC) and WTO, implements the second phase of JITAP.

57. In this context, both Parties intend to terminate quantitative restrictions once Ukraine becomes a WTO member

58. We adhered to WTO principles on protecting intellectual property and ensuring fair and equal market access.

59. The lamb sector, which Parliament is actually trying to help, will be decimated by the WTO.

60. China’s admission to the WTO will mark another stage of its membership in the international community.

61. All other countries, except one, are WTO observers and are in the process of accession negotiation.

62. This article tries to expound what the industry would be confronted with after China joined WTO.

63. India is ready to engage with all WTO Members to complete the modalities and address any outstanding issues.

64. Developing nations’ pursuit of growth-promoting trade and industrial policies are increasingly running afoul of restrictive WTO rules.

65. Except for one, all the other countries are WTO observers and in the process of negotiating accession.

66. After China joining WTO, china-us trade relations after the unceasing development, mutual dependency are also growing.

67. (1) the legal relationship between WTO rules and trade measures taken pursuant to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).

68. It presents the new anfractuous situation whose components are four industrial driving factors with WTO as priority.

69. Taiwan, as an independent economy, became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (often shortened to "Chinese Taipei"-both names resulting from PRC interference on the WTO) in January 2002.

70. All WTO members should engage in tariff dismantling to facilitate South-South as well as North-South trade

71. · To contribute to the WTO discussions on e-commerce and the impact of ICTs on multilateral trade agreements

72. With the increasing importance of trade in services, the WTO services negotiations could certainly advance Ontario's market interests.

73. - Adjust the trade regime and relevant legislation to comply with obligations stemming from the WTO, SAA and CEFTA.

74. The exact tariff description of the EU WTO Schedule shall apply to all tariff lines and quotas above.

75. None of the other WTO agreements concluded at the end of the Uruguay Round include labour rights obligations.

76. At the same time, they must ensure that the WTO survives the challenge of digesting a vast nonmarket economy.

77. But there is nothing inevitable about this round of talks giving the West or the WTO what they want.

78. Such lack of reciprocity, if accepted, would risk introducing an anomaly in the application of the WTO rules.’

79. New members of WTO needed assistance with managing trade adjustment costs, strengthening competitiveness and ensuring fulfilment of promises

80. In WTO accession negotiations, Chinese Taipei agreed to reduce the tariff on feed peas to zero by 2007.