Use "wounded" in a sentence

1. Someone badly wounded?

2. He falls, mortally wounded.

3. Are you seriously wounded?

4. Wounded men... were clinging to caissons, to which were attached frightened and wounded horses....

5. Suibhne is wounded, and Confesses

6. The wounded man staggered along.

7. The wounded man moaned Ceaselessly

8. There were also eight wounded.

9. You men, collect these wounded.

10. The wounded man moaned ceaselessly.

11. The wounded lion bellowed out.

12. 2 He was gruesomely wounded.

13. He's now so badly wounded.

14. Nishang only wounded my grandfather.

15. The soldier is mortally wounded.

16. The hunter wounded the deer.

17. The wounded tiger bellowed out.

18. He is unconscious. Terribly wounded.

19. Both Centaurs fell, mortally wounded.

20. The wounded man was in agony.

21. Total Luxembourgish casualties amounted to 75 police and soldiers captured, six police wounded, and one soldier wounded.

22. The wounded soldiers trailed past us.

23. The wounded prisoner uttered a groan.

24. Boder was confronted & wounded by …

25. A wounded bird you can nourish?

26. Both soldiers and civilians were wounded .

27. He was wounded by a shaft.

28. Robert Gardiner gives British losses as 218 killed and 617 wounded, French as 1,600 killed and 1,500 wounded.

29. I’ll kneel before His wounded feet;

30. 15 The hunter wounded the deer.

31. 1 The wounded lion bellowed out.

32. The wounded were carried away immediately.

33. Occasionally they dragged a wounded comrade.

34. He roared like a wounded bull.

35. 6 He heaved his wounded arm.

36. The wounded man writhed with pain.

37. The wounded man uttered a groan.

38. The military will airlift the wounded man.

39. The dogs went after the wounded deer.

40. The wounded soldier tottered to his feet.

41. A crowd thronged around the wounded man.

42. Anyway, I have wounded their amour propres.

43. The elderly woman shielded her wounded husband.

44. One reporter was wounded in the leg.

45. Three agents wounded, one lost his leg.

46. Napoleon lost about 38,000 killed and wounded.

47. 11 The wounded man uttered a groan.

48. 10 One man wounded and one castrated.

49. He was wounded fighting in the war.

50. Hey, there he is, our walking wounded.

51. There were no less than fifty wounded.

52. 16 The wounded man was in agony.

53. 7 He was wounded by a shaft.

54. 3 The wounded soldiers trailed past us.

55. All the sick and wounded were evacuated.

56. The wounded soldier was imbrued with blood.

57. – Major Brothier wounded – in April, an operation southwest of Hanoi – Major Brothier was wounded – he had to leave the battalion and Indochina – Captain Maurice Guiraud took command – he replaced the wounded Major Brothier

58. 31 present, 87 killed, wounded or missing.

59. 13 The wounded were carried away immediately.

60. A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.

61. Mordred was killed and Arthur mortally wounded.

62. Lieutenant Taylor was wounded in the knee.

63. The lieutenant fell to the ground , mortally wounded.

64. The wounded soldier lashed about in great pain.

65. 20 The wounded animal roared out in pain.

66. She wound a bandage round my wounded arm.

67. The wounded fellow sufferers commiserate with each other.

68. A British soldier was wounded in the fighting.

69. 5 They carried the wounded from the battlefield.

70. The wounded soldier lashed around in great pain.

71. He split and mortally wounded the Labour Party.

72. Three wounded sailors were flown off the ship.

73. Wounded Marine Bodysurfs to Help Others and Himself

74. 17 The dogs went after the wounded deer.

75. 14 A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.

76. In every possible conceivable way, men are wounded.

77. We stalked the wounded tiger to its lair.

78. Many of the wounded had been badly disfigured.

79. She was fatally wounded in a car crash.

80. He was/felt deeply wounded by their disloyalty.