Use "wound up" in a sentence

1. He wound up drunk.

2. He could have wound up dead.

3. Are all the windows wound up?

4. I wound up wishing I'd never come.

5. I was too wound up to sleep.

6. I was too wound up from the opening.

7. She gets quite wound up before a match.

8. Both partners of the marriage wound up unhappy.

9. He gets so wound up when he's arguing.

10. How they wound up being here in many cases?

11. The boy was all wound up before the game.

12. I wound up in a coma for three days.

13. The keynote speaker had wound up to polite applause.

14. You're totally crazy to get this wound up over nothing.

15. I wound up the watch and listened to it tick.

16. This cloying commercial clamour had the New Zealand public wound up.

17. The president of this company was wound up in a scandal.

18. It is high time we wound up the all - India services .

19. The poor guy wound up with a slug in his stomach.

20. 7 This Cloying commercial clamour had the New Zealand public wound up

21. 7 This cloying commercial clamour had the New Zealand public wound up.

22. Wound up at the bottom of East River wearing a cement truss.

23. And yet it wound up in Beirut in a Hezbollah commander's house?

24. But what he wound up doing was splitting the family into dual factions.

25. 18 We eventually wound up in a super little hotel by the sea.

26. In some cases, people who desire to achieve Arete have wound up committing

27. Happily these Acclivities wound up the interior of the volcano and favored their ascent.

28. We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town.

29. He had set out to reinvent the wheel; actually he wound up inventing it.

30. After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head.

31. As the corporations were wound up some of the houses passed into private ownership.

32. Having worked hard for many years, he at last wound up the first prize.

33. ‘Outdaughtered’ spoilers have found that another Busby has wound up in the hospital emergency room

34. When the CDOs lost value, MBIA wound up owing Merrill a large amount of money.

35. So we wound up being totally dependent on a system about which are terminally incurious.

36. The UNCC has already wound up its office dealing with processing of claims and their payment.

37. They used to smash it down, and it inevitably wound up spilling all over the car.

38. Others are wound up with mothering tasks that have them running in all directions at noon.

39. The Browns were picking first overall and wound up with Pro Bowl defensive end Myles Garrett

40. In 1999, the plan is wound up and there is an actuarial surplus in the plan.

41. She was too wound up, too much on edge, her nerves as taut as violin strings.

42. The windlass creaked slowly as the rope wound up creak bringing the bucket nearer the top.

43. He wound up in a ditch outside of town the day after he announced he was running.

44. I frittered away the morning and then got Armstrong wound up and headed towards the West End.

45. 29 As a result, the likelihood that an elderly person wound up in a nursing home decreased.

46. Synonyms for Culminated include climaxed, closed, concluded, ended, finished, wound up, crowned, ended up, peaked and terminated

47. 9 Others are wound up with mothering tasks that have them running in all directions at noon.

48. Between 1990 and 1993, more than 100,000 Nepali-speaking Bhutanese wound up in refugee camps in eastern Nepal

49. The Eagles released Countess at the end of the preseason, and he wound up on the Rams’ practice squad.

50. Like a writer who happened to have wound up on her book cover looking smart, sexy and properly airbrushed.

51. The project accounts are now being wound up and financial responsibility for subsequent operations passes to the national exchequer.

52. He was to be placed with another inmate the next day, but wound up in a cell by himself.

53. He was not talkative, but once wound up he charmed them all with his stories of life in California.

54. Initially a conscientious objector, he joined the army in 1941 and wound up a captain in the Middle East.

55. I didn't have any idea what I was doing, but I lucked out and wound up with a good job.

56. They sent him along to vacuum the carpets, but he wound up with his very own theatre to practice in.

57. The drastic cuts come a week after Aldershot were wound up and rekindle fears for several Fourth Division clubs facing closure.

58. A year ago, in a 71-69 loss at Providence, Abrams committed a critical turnover that wound up being the difference.

59. Kenyon wound up shaving not one but three seconds off the start-up time, sparing a hundred extra souls from the Reaper.

60. Wound up with Lucky Me (1954), a comedy Costarring Robert Cummings; and Young at Heart (1954), a musical drama with Frank Sinatra

61. He flitted about from obligatory flying jobs and mandatory staff tours and, eventually, wound up again Crouched at his master’s feet in the

62. Cyril wound up busking on the streets of Shinjuku, and at times had so little money that he could afford just one meal a day.

63. A second possibility is that, as the dying star spins, its strong magnetic fields are wound up into complex shapes like spaghetti in an eggbeater .

64. I have seen a couple of instances where an interface was up and encountered some problem while operating and wound up in the Administratively down state

65. A lone Cranium in an Italian cave wound up there after being washed away from its original burial site, according to a study published March 3, …

66. Alas is another way to emphatically say “unfortunately.” Perhaps you meant to finish up all your homework last night, but Alas, your favorite television show wound up

67. Cranked If someone has been provoked or wound up enough to get annoyed, respond angrily, or lose their cool, they have been Cranked - or they are Cranked

68. If you feel wound up much of the time and unable to let go of stress at the end of the day , you may benefit from relaxation techniques .

69. Feelings of restlessness, being wound-up, or on edge happen to everyone from time to time, adapt and center with the help of the Adaptiv Touch Calming Blend

70. So me and the other human player wound up at this secret IBM research lab in the middle of these snowy woods in Westchester County to play the computer.

71. Yes, $60 for a Burnisher would pretty much keep my scrapers (somehow I wound up with two cabinet scrapers from “granddad’s tool box” purchases) inside the “too be fettled” box

72. Which, in time, Begat an ambitious Pfriem kid whose eyes were firmly On The Prize: his own brewery, which wound up about 300 miles south, in the picture-postcard village of …

73. 30 My sister-in-law had a model war-ship under a glass case, which, when wound up, rocked on blue-painted silken waves to the tinkling of a musical box.

74. Clockwork, or All Wound Up is an illustrated short children's book by Philip Pullman, first published in the United Kingdom in 1996 by Doubleday, and in the United States by Arthur A

75. 2 days ago · The Beavers wound up shutting out Loyola the last 5:48 to take a 24-16 halftime lead, the lowest-scoring first half of the entire tournament

76. As per Section 428 of the Companies Act, Contributory means “Every person liable to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up and includes holder of …

77. 2 days ago · The Beavers wound up shutting out Loyola the last 5:48 to take a 24-16 halftime lead, the lowest-scoring first half of the entire tournament

78. Against its budget of $8.5 million and about $10 million in marketing costs, Pulp Fiction wound up grossing $107.93 million at the U.S. box office, making it the first "indie" film to surpass $100 million.

79. Although not officially an organization at all, the “Black Eye” club refers to a growing number of politicians, celebrities, business elites, and heads of State who have suddenly and mysteriously wound up with Black eyes

80. Olympia sings one of the opera's most-famous arias, "Les oiseaux dans la charmille" (The birds in the arbor, nicknamed "The Doll Song"), during which she runs-down and needs to be wound-up before she can continue.